“Maker Faire has over the years created a space to show people what innovators do”. “For many of them – the reference is to makers, designers, innovators – it has also represented a turning point in their lives. A space for innovation, where innovation means any change that makes a positive impact for humanity”. Innovation here has a space “where you can touch things that anyone can understand”. These are the words of Massimo Banzi, co-founder and president of Arduino, the world’s most popular open source hardware, indicated by The Economist as one of the promoters of the “new industrial revolution” set in motion by the Maker movement. Massimo Banzi spoke this morning on the Main Stage of Maker Faire Rome 2021, after the introductory greetings of Luciano Mocci and Lorenzo Tagliavanti, respectively president of Innova Camera, a special agency of the Rome Chamber of Commerce (which organizes the Fair), and president of the Rome Chamber of Commerce. Banzi also played a key role in the launch of the first Fablab in Italy, and then the opening of Officine Arduino, a Fablab – Makerspace located in Turin. He has taught Interaction Design at SUPSI in Lugano, in the south of Switzerland and is a visiting professor at CIID in Copenhagen. From 2013 to 1018 he was curator of Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition.
#LucianoMocci, #Innovacamera: “È importante abituare i più piccoli al cambiamento perché loro saranno i protagonisti del futuro con tutte le sua sfide” #MFR2021 pic.twitter.com/LhxPNZYrWn
— Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition (@MakerFaireRome) October 8, 2021
“L’innovazione è una chiave attraverso cui disegnare una traiettoria di sviluppo possibile. Per vincere la sfida della rinascita serve #innovazione.” #MFR2021
— Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition (@MakerFaireRome) October 8, 2021
lavorare con Afghan Dreamers dopo aver studiato in ambito tecnologico è stato un orgoglio. In Afghanistan e nel mondo le donne non hanno le stesse opportunità del mondo, ma la tecnologia ci dà la possibilità di dimostrare il nostro valore e metterci in gioco alla pari, e vincere
— Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition (@MakerFaireRome) October 8, 2021