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Sustainability: the platform that monitors the vineyard and other projects at Maker Faire Rome 2021

From the platform that monitors vineyards to purification using native microalgae, 5 projects focusing on sustainability will be featured at MFR2021.



Acuadori is a platform for monitoring vineyard water. It has minimal impact on agricultural activities, minimal maintenance requirements and consists of a network of wireless devices with reduced power consumption. The core of the platform consists of sensors that monitor the leaves to assess the hydration level of the plant. The sensing units are arranged in an IoT network based on LoRa radios. All data is available on the cloud to enable informed decisions on irrigation strategies. The authors of the project (all from the University of Cagliari, Laboratory of Microelectronics and Bioengineering) are Massimo Barbaro, Silvia Loddo, Paolo Meloni, Marco Tanca, Riccardo Carboni, Francesco Marcato, Augusto Mura and Roberto Ruda.

Yeastime. The art of fermentation

At Maker Faire Rome 2021, the Yeastime team will be bringing an innovative product for use in the field of fermentation processes, using a system of sensors and ultrasound generators. This device is able to reduce the time, consumption and costs associated with the process. Yeastime puts small and medium-sized local brewers at the centre of the project, to provide both economic and environmental benefits, but aims to involve the entire fermented products market. The team is composed of Federico Ortenzi, Pierfrancesco Mazzolin and Alessandro Contaldo.

Purifying water with native microalgae

Simonetta Pancaldi, Professor of Botany at the University of Ferrara (research and development of microalgae-based products), will be at Maker Faire Rome 2021 with her Phyto-purification plant. The project uses auotoctone microalgae to reduce the nitrogen and phosphorous load of wastewater.

What it does. The plant uses microalgae naturally resident in wastewater to improve final purification before release into natural waters. The design combines an open pond concept with a closed photobioreactor to ensure microalgae growth. Purification by microalgae is linked to two objectives: wastewater purification and production of algal biomass to be used for bioenergy purposes or for the production of organic fertilisers.

Smart Schools for Healthier Classrooms 

The emergence of COVID-19 has highlighted the need to ensure good indoor air quality, especially in public spaces, particularly schools. The Smart School for Healthier Classrooms project involves the implementation of an IoT system that detects the concentration of contaminants present in school environments such as: Co2, Voc, Particulate matter. The system also includes a monitoring station for some external parameters. The design process was developed by the SSHC Marconi Team, using a project based learning process, based on a simulated company, working in open classes in order to involve students from different classes, sections and addresses with the aim of promoting creative synthesis, interdisciplinarity, but above all, to develop the ability to work in groups.

Modular photocatalytic system

Donato Vincenzi’s modular photocatalytic system uses solar radiation to promote the reduction of the organic load in treated water, while at the same time directly converting solar energy into hydrogen. The technology is based on the photo-excitation of tungsten trioxide electrodes operating in an aqueous environment under solar illumination. The prototype, made waterproof, can operate autonomously in the water to be treated and does not require any external power supply or electrical control system.



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