Maker Faire è sempre una grande opportunità per un’azienda come Arrow Electronics. Offre la possibilità di conoscere una vasta rete di professionisti del settore e appassionati del mondo delle tecnologie elettroniche. E’ anche occasione di business perchè abbiamo la possibilità di aiutare start up innovative con tutti i nostri servizi di engineering, convertendo un’idea brillante in un prodotto finito pronto per essere immerso sul mercato.
Tag: Brain +
August 22, 2024
A wearable that promises to shift your mood Picture yourself wearing a small device that might instantly infuse you with energy, soothe your nerves and shift your mood Picture […]Shift your mood with this gadget
August 6, 2020
Latest news from Elon Musk’s research world His last tease has set transhumanist music enthusiasts’ pants on fire. While Neuralink has kept its operations covert this far, Elon can&...Neuralink Chip Will Be Able to Stream Music I...
August 19, 2019
a head, tail, eyes and ears were a good idea! There’s a spectrum between cute and creepy when it comes to robot dogs. Sony Aibo: cute. Boston Dynamics SpotMini: creepy. […]Meet Astro: eventually a robot dog that looks...