L’innovazione non è solo una questione tecnologica ma un cambiamento sociale e culturale. Maker Faire Rome rende l’innovazione accessibile e fruibile a tutti. Per questo Joule, la scuola di Eni per l’impresa crede fortemente nell’evento e partecipa ogni anno anche al suo hackathon, proponendo sfide diverse finalizzate a stimolare soluzioni insolite e innovative. Quello che auspichiamo con la nostra presenza è di alimentare un virtuoso scambio di idee, producendo un positivo effetto di “osmosi” in termini di sviluppo tecnologico e di mindset imprenditoriale.
Tag: Formazione
December 14, 2023
Discover the benefits of learning through play and the latest projects in the field! Learn about the most interesting projects for learning through play presented at Maker Faire Rome 2023! […]Learning through play at Maker Faire Rome
December 10, 2023
Learn about the project that helps pediatric ostomy patients accept their medical condition more easily Gamification is an approach that can also be applied in the medical field. In this […]StomyCraft and gamification in medicine
November 10, 2023
Maker Learn is back: the event dedicated to digital & tech education is due nov 27-30 Maker Learn is a chance to seize valuable opportunities for personal and professional development […]From November 27-30, experience Maker Learn, ...
October 20, 2023
Among MFR2023 prestigious partnes, also Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Diverse and extremely interesting projects awaits the visitors of the 2023 Edition of Maker Faire Rome in pav. 6 “RE...Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore at MFR2...
September 25, 2023
Don’t Miss Out on These Educational Workshops at Maker Faire Rome 2023 Maker Faire Rome 2023 presents a golden opportunity to engage with innovation trailblazers and the latest technological bre...3 Must-Attend Educational Workshops at Maker ...