Exhibitors 2018

Fab Lab Frosinone
Fab Lab Frosinone

Fab Lab Frosinone

During 2018 Fab Lab Frosinone has worked on different fields. With local schools, it has been a point of reference for school-work projects. Among these “Fuoriclasse 2018” stands out with which the IIS Norberto Turriziani of Frosinone students have approached 3D scanning & printing techniques, and post-production for the reproduction of unpublished archeological finds of the volsca age and didactic material of the post-war period.
In the social field, Fab Lab Frosinone kicked off the "Forbidden not to Touch" Project in collaboration with the Umberto Mastroianni Foundation in Arpino and the Italian Blind and Visually Impaired Union of Frosinone, to create an exhibition route accessible to the blind and visually impaired, through 3D printing.
Paying attention to health and well-being, Fab Lab Frosinone, together to the Association Medici di Famiglia per l’Ambiente of Frosinone and Evlogica, has made Ancler project, a system for the acquisition and monitoring of air particulate matter. Instead, AstroLux, a device for detecting pollution, it’s in development with the collaboration of the Astronomical Observatory of Campo Catino (FR).

Fab Lab Frosinone

Fab Lab Frosinone

Fab Lab Frosinone Team
Associazione Medici di Famiglia per l'Ambiente
Evlogica srl
Unione Ciechi e Ipovedenti di Frosinone

  H17 (pav. 8)
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 10.22.00 am