Exhibitors 2018

Result for TAG "Biology"

Renato Reggiani
A real small Kitchen Garden for schools and students to see a plant grow in the class from seed to the harvest, completing a complete cycle . A technology developed for an experiment on the international space station, with structures for growing indoor and outdoor and patented LED photosynthesis stimulators from space a space experiment that replace the sun.
  E4 (pav. 9)

The project aims to acquire in 3D the naturalistic material present in museums and universities

"Gruppo AULA PULITA" Istituto Istruzione Secondaria Valdichiana di Chiusi / Ass. "Innovazione Locale"
The process is aimed at the creation of two air quality measurement networks in a participated form, with subsequent management, always in a participated form.

Lucio Pentagna
An automated smart egg incubator that can maintain the perfect environment to hatch healthy chicks

Bio-based polyurethane foams obtained from biomass for acoustic insulation and bio-based ceramic foams produced from diatomite reactive filler.

Classe IVA Chimica - ITI Cannizzaro Catania
The students have extracted allicin from garlic and capsaicin from chilli peppers. Allicin and capsaicin are pesticides and can be used in the vegetable garden or in the garden without any risk to the health and the environment.

Jacopo Diamanti, Pierluigi Cox
Ecobox is an autonomous ecosystem to study biology and environment

The hand was 3d printed with PLA filament. There are 5 joysticks, each controlling a linear actuator. Each actuator moves a series of levers and junctions to articulate finger movements.

Giovanni Paolo Masia, Stefania Merella
The proposed project of Makers and Designers Stefania Merella and Giovanni Paolo Masia, is called FLYING ROOTS (flying roots) is a vertical wall garden developed through 3D printing and milling, which harmoniously combines the plants chosen based on the characteristics, given by the climate and the environment, creating a micro-ecosystem controlled by the Arduino board, inserted into a simple and innovative design, which gives the floral composition an artistic connotation like that of a painting.

Marco Ferrantini
Foglia is an open-source smart hydroponic greenhouse project remotely controllable using your smartphone. Build your personal greenhouse and start growing your plants!

MIchele Maris
Play with a simple experiment, and discover how astronomers are able to understand if a planet, outside our Solar System can be inhabited or not. But please, do not boil or froze the inhabitants.

Valerio Joe Utzeri, Anisa Ribani, Samuele Bovo
GRIFFA controls food DNA using innovative technologies and algorithms by detecting ingredients, allergens and pathogens in food.

Luca Nardi, Sara Piccirillo, Francesco Cavaliere, Giulio Metelli, Giuseppe Corallo, Marco Potenza, Gabriele Mascetti, Eugenio Benvenuto
Protected HORTiculture in inflatable facilities, resistant to EXTREME conditions, for the production of high nutritional value plants: a field experiment in the AMADEE-18 mission

Synbra Technology
Hotbin™® 4 seasons energy-free organic waste composter. On Nature the organic waste biomass can not be naturally composted for more then 6 months/Y. Hotbin™ treats organic waste 360 days/Y without use of chemicals or supplied energy.

Silvano Fares, Alessandro Alivernini
Un drone multirotore equipaggiato con sensoristica in grado di rilevare lo stato di salute della vegetazione
  E18 (pav. 4)

Università La sapienza, Prof. Antonio ZUORRO
BioChemical trends and innovation

ITmakES è un progetto avviato dall'Ambasciata d’Italia a Madrid per sviluppare nuovi canali di dialogo tra l’Italia e la Spagna e permettere ai makers di avviare progetti congiunti, mettendo in rete creatività, esperienze e “saper fare”.
ITmakES is a project by the Italian Embassy and Consulate in Spain on innovation and responsible entrepreneurial cooperation. The Fab Linkage focuses on digital fabrication and making.

Gabriella Cincotti, Massimiliano Lucidi, Michele Zia, Giulia Luciano, Marcela D’Angelo
Students of the Biophotonics course in Rome Tre will demonstrate biological experiments using the We-Lab microscope and spectrophotometer.

Alberto Augello e CoLaborando
LAPARY is a simple and great device that allow to everyone to lear and to train oneself in laparoscopy's technique. LAPARY is a kit of few components that can be assembled on any case or box and through an external monitor It allows you to look what's happening inside the case and what are you doing inside the case as well.

Circolo Legambiente Terracina “Pisco Montano”
The project involves communities at large for fighting plastic pollution on the beaches and in the sea. The role of multistakeholder network for improving sea pollution governance, focusing ocusing on raising the awareness of swimmers, local institutional and economic stakeholders, this project encourages the reduction of plastic litter and also promotes a more effective and sustainable management of tourism in the areas concerned.

Dott.ssa Selena Mimmi, Dott.ssa Francesca Trimboli, Prof. Camillo Palmieri
We provide a method of detecting the serum protein PD-L1 that may be useful to monitor response in cancer immunotherapy.

Corrado, Monica e Leonardo Sperduti Rampini
MIOBIO, apartment greenhouse, domestic appliance for organic indoor gardening

Damanhur - Federazione di Comunità
The Music of the Plants device is based on a biofeedback system, that measures the bio frequency of the plants.

Donatella Paolino, Diego Russo, Donato Cosco, Massimo Fresta
The project is related to a TSH-conjugated nanocarrieras an active targeting tool for the treatment of the thyroid cancer

Irina Vetere
Applications in nutraceuticals, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals from insects

Maurizio Calvitti, Riccardo Moretti, Elena Lampazzi, Giulia Fabbri
Innovative technology for producing and using sterile males for the suppression of the Asia Tiger Mosquito.

Artibani Lorenzo, Capannoni Alessandro, Di Febbo Stefano, Nardo Gianluca, Tomarelli Marco
ORTO 2.0 is a digital platform that give to everyone the opportunity to manage a real vegetable garden by mobile.

Edoardo Taori
Plants Play is the first wearable device that allows you to listen to the music generated by plants and trees straightaway on your smartphone. By means of two sensors set on the leaves, Plants Play turns its electrical variations into music, which can be sent via bluetooth to the downloadable app for Smartphones, iOS's and Androids in a jiffy.

Marco De Gregorio
Open Source Robotic Arm with different functions. You can move it with your hand into a special glove.

Innovative bio- based products from multifunctional crops. Concepts like zero-waste and multi-functional crops will be described to promote sustainable agro-ecosystems in the context of bio-economy

Digitaleria: Tommaso Spagnoli Lino Di Crescenzo
Our idea is to create a vertical, monitored and controlled farm, to be placed inside the houses to get fresh vegetables.

ReGenius Loci
The aquaponics reproduces a natural ecosystem where plants and fish live in perfect symbiosis. It will be able to supply the food of the future, free of pesticides.

Ivano Pelicella, Clemente Di Caprio
Ultramic384k is an ultrasonic USB microphone and an unattended recorder with scheduling and trigger capability.

Saverio Danubio, Paolo Zampieri, Stefano Plescia
Thermocomposting for heat extraction out of wood waste and compost production

Niklas Sallali
Rhex is an open source hexapod robot built to make experiments and play around with robotics concepts.

Filippo Fratini
Resources from Mediterranean Sea for Restoration - Spreading the promising results and exploring prospects of the research on Gigartinales algae and Posidonia oceanica for Restoration and Conservation

Sanofi Genzyme
Sanofi is dedicated to supporting people through their health challenges. We are a global biopharmaceutical company focused on human health. We prevent illness …

Britti Domenico, Cosco Donato, Fresta Massimo, Paolino Donatella, Trapasso Elena
The project is related to the use of a nanocarrier-loaded for Leishmaniosis treatment

Fabiana Arduini, Stefano Cinti, Noemi Colozza, Maria Rita Tomei, Vincenzo Mazzaracchio, Eleonora Marcoccio, Danila Moscone
Paper-based (bio)sensors for a sustainable measurement of different compounds in biomedical, environmental, and agri-food areas.

Sviluppo Campania S.p.A. - Regione Campania
Sviluppo Campania is an in-house company of Regione Campania. Its mission is to contribute – under the Regione Campania guidelines – to carry out plans, pro …

Nicola Coppedè, Andrea Zappettini, Miche la Janni
Textile biochemical sensors allows to monitor plant lymph, and understand optimal irrigation, nutrition and health of the plant..

Nicola Coppedè, Andrea Zappettini
The sensors made on textile fiber allow the monitoring of physiological conditions in a non-invasive way, directly from the sweat, for information on dehydration

Pietro Amodeo (ICB-CNR), Francesco Castelluccio (ICB-CNR), Salvatore Donadio (ICB-CNR), Salvatore Mallardo (IPCB-CNR) – by: MoSeF – ICB-CNR, IPCB-CNR
TRPV1 (“red hot pepper”) receptor robot model: an attractive tool for science dissemination and an original application of school subjects.

ITI "Enrico Fermi" Mantova, classe 5CCH
Tibic is a monitoring system, built on ESP32, designed for indoor or outdoor crops.

Gianni Alessandroni
Treevoice is an IOT system highly qualified to supervise the stability of trees and structures through artificial intelligence.

Pierpaolo Loreti, Massimiliano De Luca, Alexandro Catini, Lorenzo Bracciale, Gabriele Gentile, Corrado Di Natale
A device architecture node for Wireless Sensor Network that combines an ultra low power sleep mode and a long range communication capability

IoT Lab - Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Scienze Matematiche, Università di Siena
A small prototype for Smart Agriculture created by the students of Internet of Things Laboratory of the University of Siena

Daniele Pizzichini, Claudio Russo, Gianpaolo Leone
Liquid Food matrices (Milk, fruit juices, plant extracts) and their by-product (cheese whey, olive milling waters ) can be valorized extracting valuable substances through simple and sustainable technologies.

Conoscere per rispettare, conoscere per valorizzare. Il Mare subisce costantemente l'impatto delle nostre attività. Da qui una maggiore consapevolezza per sviluppare idee innovative volte alla tutela e valorizzazione delle risorse marine.
  I4 (pav. 6)

Martina Frausin
Vira is a diagnostic kit that allows, through an instant salivary test, to determine the presence of Human Papilloma Virus.
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am