Exhibitors 2018

 But first, can You pump water with your mind?

But first, can You pump water with your mind?

Our App Software platform- Be-Team.co aims to integrate 3rd party tech and games. Here we want to show off the hardware of one such project to demo taking your EEG brain signals and it up to you to pump water from one tank to another. Come play.
It requires someone to write an equivalent gaming app that will satisfy the user in app as a mini-game for possible inclusion into the app. Can you help?
United Kingdom

 But first, can You pump water with your mind?

Ben P Bacon & collaboration of Blino

Head Creative & Project Owner in the Pursuit of Happiness, for project Be-Team.co.
Product development Consultancy for benefit of Olympic Gold Medal winner and others.
Experienced Director with a demonstrated history of working in the consumer electronics industry and given talks on Invite of X-Prize Qualcomm Tricorder in L.A. and Boston. Award winning, skilled in Business Planning, Management, Start-ups, and Product Development. 20+years in Chiropractic, Exercise Rehabilitation & Orthopaedics . Strong business development professional with a BSc (Chiro) DC and latterly courses on entrepreneurial development from MIT.

  H44 (pav. 5)
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 8.14.37 am