Maker Faire Rome è stata l’inizio di tutto per TERRAVIONICS: è lì che ci siamo conosciuti tra co-founders ed è sempre lì che, in occasione dell’11° edizione del 2023, abbiamo volutamente ricercato e trovato altri membri che si sono aggiunti al nostro team. È uno dei pochi “luoghi” realmente “ideali” per confrontarsi, migliorarsi e… innescare le idee!
Tag: Covid-19
September 25, 2022
repurposing plastic or using recycled one in everything from household items to vehicles Engineers are turning single-use plastics such as PPE and Covid tests into hospital wards, cars and household [...Lessons from nature: bringing waste back into...
April 16, 2021
LOOKING BACK AT THE BEST OF DESIGN IN TIMES OF COVID-19 A recap of top stories from all over the world as picked by designers repost from What Design Can […]LOOKING BACK AT THE BEST OF DESIGN AND MAKING...
November 27, 2020
The group behind the Bluetooth standard wants to add COVID-19 exposure detection to wearable devices In an announcement back in August, the Bluetooth SIG (Special Interest Group) said that [&he...Bluetooth SIG wants to turn wearables into CO...
August 19, 2020
Fibre from a relative of the banana tree could replace plastic in face masks and hospital gowns Abaca is already used in teabags and banknotes Global efforts to ban […]Masks made from banana-tree species cut plast...
June 13, 2020
The pandemic is generating food insecurity Agri-food policies should choose appropriate instruments and incentives. by Ivo Demmers and Ruerd Ruben for Knowledge4Food It is clear that the COVI...Key challenges for post-COVID food systems
June 12, 2020
NEW PROJECT TO HELP PEOPLE SURVIVING COVID-19 ON THE STREETS Developed back in 2014, the Sheltersuit takes new life and travels to Africa to help people fighting the pandemic […]Shelterbag: the genius wearable to protect th...
June 4, 2020
Africa needs integrated responses to COVID-19 that build on countries’ existing strengths and resources Here is a solution for Kenya, based on young people, technology, and community healthcare ...How youth and technology can drive AfricaR...
June 3, 2020
The maSK is made from a breathable recycled material The breathable face masks are designed to be used by people wanting to reduce their risk of getting or spreading coronavirus. Sportswear...Adidas launches reusable face mask called Fac...
May 10, 2020
“bubble shield” by designlibero imagines a solar-powered personal space For this project Libero Rutilo and Ekaterina Shchetina of DesignLibero have brought the phrase ‘living in y...Living in a bubble: safe or dystopian?
May 8, 2020
Dyson has created 44 engineering and science activities for children to try out while at home From making a balloon-powered car to building a bridge from spaghetti, you can […]44 engineering challenges for children during...