Maker Faire è sempre una grande opportunità per un’azienda come Arrow Electronics. Offre la possibilità di conoscere una vasta rete di professionisti del settore e appassionati del mondo delle tecnologie elettroniche. E’ anche occasione di business perchè abbiamo la possibilità di aiutare start up innovative con tutti i nostri servizi di engineering, convertendo un’idea brillante in un prodotto finito pronto per essere immerso sul mercato.
Tag: designer
September 19, 2023
Our interview with Iren Proskurina, founder and creator at IREN STEAMPUNK Iren Proskurina is a Ukranian maker: a symbol of creativity and freedom that cannot be tamed. She will be […]From Ukraine to Maker Faire Rome: Iren Steamp...
December 4, 2022
Inspired by origami, this is the mouse of the future Do you think there’s little innovation to mice? Think again: this ultra-portable mouse can fit flat against your laptop at […]Air.0: a foldable, origami-like computer mous...
October 15, 2021
He is the founder and captain of the Rocketry Hephaestus team. He is very young, but already has very clear ideas: he wants to continue his studies in famous and […]Makers starring at MFR2021 | Christian Ferrac...
July 31, 2020
Discover the amazing DIY shoe kit, the innovative project designed to stimulate a child's creativity by activating his "maker" spirit in a fun way!
DIY shoes kit that stimulates creativity and ...
June 7, 2020
Z- Triton, the innovative electrical tiny home developed to travel over land or water!Z-Triton, an amphibious tiny home
March 25, 2020
Italian architects Carlo Ratti and Italo Rota have designed an intensive-care pod within a shipping container that could be added to hospitals by Named Connected Units for Respiratory [...Intensive-care pod within a shipping containe...
November 5, 2019
Scientist, artist and designer: among the protagonists of #MFR19 is the young Kitty Yeung, a multi-faceted Californian maker who perfectly combines art and science!When fashion blends with technology: Ketti Ye...
August 20, 2019
Designer Swati Soharia combines her passion for fabrics with respect for the environment. After graduating in 2011 from the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT) in New Delhi, designer Swati...New life to textile industry waste: a project...