L’innovazione non è solo una questione tecnologica ma un cambiamento sociale e culturale. Maker Faire Rome rende l’innovazione accessibile e fruibile a tutti. Per questo Joule, la scuola di Eni per l’impresa crede fortemente nell’evento e partecipa ogni anno anche al suo hackathon, proponendo sfide diverse finalizzate a stimolare soluzioni insolite e innovative. Quello che auspichiamo con la nostra presenza è di alimentare un virtuoso scambio di idee, producendo un positivo effetto di “osmosi” in termini di sviluppo tecnologico e di mindset imprenditoriale.
Tag: innovators
November 5, 2019
Scientist, artist and designer: among the protagonists of #MFR19 is the young Kitty Yeung, a multi-faceted Californian maker who perfectly combines art and science!When fashion blends with technology: Ketti Ye...
September 24, 2019
A device to make artificial intelligence programming more accessible, thanks to the Arduino platform. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the undisputed protagonist of most technological developm...Programming artificial intelligence: from Jap...
September 19, 2019
A smart wearable action camera bracelet that also works as a fitness tracker. You can say goodbye to bulky smartphones, easels, and selfie sticks! Direct from Italy, comes Cleep, a […]A smart wearable camera bracelet
September 16, 2019
introducing three ideas for improving quality of life of disabled and patients with reduced mobility. Technology can play a fundamental role in the management of severe or slight mobility disabilitie...Three innovative projects for people with mob...
August 14, 2019
Since smartphones have appeared on the market, there is a question that has plagued us: Is it OK to leave them charging overnight? Although, it is indeed a very […]A device to charge your smartphone at night w...
May 14, 2018
He started as a builder and he ended up to join the Maker Movement: we met David Pollard, innovator and co - founder of Learning Tech Labs in Dublin. And here's his one - way Maker Journey! #BackToBasics: from building to making with a...
November 28, 2017
Learn how to become a Super Maker with RS Components, partner of Maker Faire Rome. By joining for free the DesignSpark community at RS Components booth, Pav.7, you will have the chance to get some inc...Become a Super Maker with DesignSpark