Category: Curiosity
October 2, 2019
Music and robotics can go together very well, as these original inventions demonstrate Robotics is now a consolidated reality in the programs and projects of many schools. The […]Playing and composing music with the help of ...
October 2, 2019
Scientific tradition and modernity come together in these four ideas based on the inventions of this famous scientist par excellence Leonardo da Vinci. A name that in general, for […]The genius of Leonardo da Vinci lives again i...
September 26, 2019
From Friuli an efficient and economical project called "Sunflower", the special solar panel that follows the sun and that can be integrated into building structures!Sunflower, the solar panel that follows the s...
September 25, 2019
News, weather forecast, multimedia content: High Tech Mirror can be turn into whatever you want or need. Has your old mirror just been broken into a thousand pieces? No, seven […]An interactive multimedia mirror
September 25, 2019
A safety, cute, bracelet that warns you when the wearer moves far away from you It has been said that Milan is the fashion capital of the world. This is […]A bracelet equipped with an alarm for the saf...
September 25, 2019
OpenScan finally offers the possibility to copy real objects with one click For anyone who wants to transform their idea into a working prototype, it can be of great help […]A low-cost 3D scanner that allows you to real...
September 24, 2019
A device to make artificial intelligence programming more accessible, thanks to the Arduino platform. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the undisputed protagonist of most technological developm...Programming artificial intelligence: from Jap...
September 24, 2019
Have you ever thought about a "futuristic bag"? Discover the original, versatile and green Sabrota Bag!Original, versatile, and green: here is the b...
September 23, 2019
Have you ever thought of a waste bin as a smart device? With this invention differentiating waste correctly will become child’s play The policy of separate waste material recovery [&helli...An intelligent waste bin that automatically r...
September 23, 2019
An original way for those who want to experience the typical windy environment of the city of Trieste (Italy) If you have never visited Trieste, you probably have never […]A device that lets you experience the famous ...