Exhibitors 2020

Officine Robotiche

Officine Robotiche


Officine Robotiche

Officine Robotiche is a Social Promotion Association, whose declared purpose is spreading the knowledge of Robotics, and more generally of new technologies in digital manufacturing. It collaborates with schools at all levels. It is present on the national territory through courses, events, and the publication of online content.


Bruno Luziatelli

P246 OR-DOMO 2.0
Long-time IT specialist, DIY enthusiast, Maker by vocation.
Years ago at the first Maker Faire Rome, he discovered a world made of technology and passion that awakened his enthusiasm. And since then he has never stopped dealing with and interested in technologies, digital manufacturing (3D printing, CNC. Laser cutting, etc ....) and all things that revolves around the maker movement. Becoming his profession. He uses and designs numerically controlled machines of all types and he likes to spread the acquired knowledge.

Giacomo Esposito

P246 OR-DOMO 2.0
A computer scientist with over 10 years of experience in IT, Video, and VOIP systems, passionate about electronics and home automation since ever, graduated in Computer Science with specialization in home automation, robotics, and neural networks.

Gian Luigi Perrella

P246 OR-DOMO 2.0
In the Telecommunications field with a lifelong passion for electronics, photography, computer graphics, 3D animation, and technology in general. He started out as a designer of microcontroller hardware (68705, 8051, H8), and software (Assembly, Pascal, Delphi) for a wide range of industrial automation, robotics, industrial measurement, quality control, and scientific research projects.
He has participated in the latest MFR editions and part of OR since 2019.

Giovanni Bernardo

Writes on his own blog, settorezero.com, since 2007 publishing tutorials about embedded electronics, microcontrollers, and his own inventions mainly inspired by his two sons. He was born with a Commodore64 in his hands and he is still using it. He had jobs as a freelance and writer for companies that produces and sells products made for makers. He has a retrocomputing association and makes exhibits, school tours and collaborate with museums for old machine restoration. He takes part at Maker Faire Rome since 2014 and is an Officine Robotiche member since that date.

Roberto D'Amico

Started to engage in robots and robotic competitions from high schools, participating in several competitions over the years. Today he continues his passion with the Robotics Officine Association, of which he is a member of the board of directors, with which he organizes events, workshops, and courses to spread new technologies using Robotics as a means.
At work, he deals with software development and system integration, but the main activity is father and husband.

Raffaello Bonghi

Ph.D. in control system engineering and he loves Robotics. In his working time, he works in Japan and he's the vice president of the Italian no-profit association: "Officine Robotiche". He loves the autonomous machine, and computer vision. It's amazing when u can build and share worldwide your experience in conferences and events.

Alessio Morale

IT and electronics are his hobbies since forever. To those adds up an insane willingness to know how stuff works.
Several years ago he discovered by chance the world of multirotors and UAV. In the beginning, they were just simple Arduino-based projects but soon moved to more advanced platforms.
At the beginning of 2012, he started collaborating with the OpenPilot project and later co-founding in 2015, with several of its former developers, the LibrePilot project (www.librepilot.org), and working as firmware and architecture lead for the project.

Walter Lucetti

P265 Jetson Fever Control against COVID19
Computer Engineer born in 1977, he's specialized in Robotics, Computer Vision, and Artificial Intelligence.
For over two years he has been working with 3D stereo vision and software for interfacing with the world of robotics.
In his spare time, he practices Kick Boxing to stay active, but he enjoys creating various robots and devices that bring together all his skills gained over the years.

Giovanni Di Dio Bruno

P294 Erwhi Hedgehog
P323 Poopbot
Master Degree automation and robotics engineering student at the University of Naples Federico II.
Since he was a child his life has been around robotics and he's an active member in open-source and open-hardware communities through no-profit associations in Naples and Rome.
His biggest project is Erwhi, a small open-source and hardware SLAM, and ML robot.

Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am