Exhibitors 2020

Pinza Chirurgica Elettro-Ottica

Pinza Chirurgica Elettro-Ottica

Saperi&co is collaborating with Professor Vito D'Andrea of the "Department of Surgical Sciences" for the design of a surgical clamp able to recognize anatomical tissues. On the patent of Dott.ri Vito D'Andrea, Matteo Nardi, Pasquale Tommasino, Alessandro Trifiletti and Francesco Centurelli, the team of designers of the Centro Saperi&co will show different concepts that has been developed to define the morphology, the interface and all the features, technical and not final product.


Saperi&Co-Sapienza Università di Roma

SAPeri&Co. is a research and service infrastructure of the Sapienza University of Rome, whose aim is to promote outstanding applied research and to support innovation by offering a variety of services to companies and industries. SAPeri&Co. is organized as a hub model that connects different laboratories and expertise. The headquarter is located inside the main University Campus, inside the building Palazzina Tumminelli.

Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am