Exhibitors 2020

Distanze di cartone

Distanze di cartone

Cardboard Distances: a project born to generate lasercut designs for the re-use of cardobard envelopes to produce screens for the Covid-emergency extended to a full range of furnishing elements based on immediate fabrication of reused parts. No virgin material is used in the prototypes presented, they all start from existing packages, that are scanned and worked out based on a tailored design. The idea is to build a direct secondo life for envelopes. People can get QR Code stickers of images containing the design that can be applied to their envelopes. A project that foresees the role of local laboratories as sites for collecting what today is considered waste, and tomorrow can be just material source for a digitized, bottom-up production.


Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Stefano Converso is a lecturer at Roma Tre University Department of Architecture;
Barbara Licia Maiuti is the Technical Researcher of the Protoyping Lab of Department of Architecture
Eugenio Clementi and Alessandro D'Ingegno are Teaching Assistants.

The team worked in the past to the research called "Open Source Park", embedded in Converso's research on how digital technology can really have an impact on Contemporary Architecture and Design practice.

Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am