Exhibitors 2020

Total Quality Spaghetti

Total Quality Spaghetti

The project builds on the need by the pasta company La Molisana S.p.A. to fix a problem born after some of their japanese clients requested high level quality controls on spaghetti. The team investigated the origins of the issue and developed, together with the engineering company Sensor ID, a device that - through sensor, cameras and artificial intelligence - will be able to reduce timing by -50%, increase the accuracy of the analysis, and eliminate almost completely the manuality of the process. This is only a prototype, the software has yet to be built.


Fondazione ITS D.E.Mo.S.

The ITS D.E.MO.S. Foundation (Decollo Economico Molise Sviluppo), is a non-profit organization affiliated with companies, universities, local authorities, and the education system. It runs two-year post-diploma courses in the agri-food sector, promoted and funded by the Ministry of Education, University and Research and by the Regione Molise (the regional main public entity). The Istituti Tecnici Superiori (ITS) are schools of excellence with high technological specialization, referring to the areas considered of primary importance for the economic development and competitiveness of the country.
The Foundation pursues the following goals: 1. spreading technical and scientific culture, and promoting the orientation of youths and their families towards technical professions; 2. training professionals capable of raising the level of competitiveness of agri-food supply chains, through technological transfer in the different phases of the production process; 3. valorise the high-quality local food products.

Data updated on 2024-05-17 - 10.48.22 am