Exhibitors 2020

Technology of Love

Technology of Love

Computer programming scares many, yet once you understand the "logic" it allows applications that are truly within everyone's reach.
The application is capable of detecting gestures or facial expressions through the webcam and converting them into meaningful sentences and managing various devices and appliances (via IFTTT).
The programmer of this application, Sofia, is only 10 years old and shows us that it is never too early to create for inclusivity.
Block programming with models created by Sofia in the same environment.


Sofia Aleci

Sofia is a 10 year old girl who has always loved technology and programming. With her classmates of Primary Borgonuovo di Biella he has already won the Italian title of the scratch Festival 2019 (contest on scrach) and they have received the MakeToCare special prize of the latest edition of Make Faire (2019) for the "talking glove" devices "and" magic pajamas "made for people with severe disabilities (to aid in patient communication and management). Its purpose is to demonstrate that technology and programming are within everyone's reach, children and GIRLS and that the purpose of science should always be to help others and allow everyone the same dignity of life.

Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am