Tag: environment
September 3, 2022
Delivery charge on demand wherever you are From an italian startup, an innovative system for recharging electric vehicles on demand, fighting the scarcity of charging infrastructures The e-car mark...Delivery charge on demand wherever you are
August 24, 2022
Climate change is a pressing issue, climate engineering could Climate engineering is an innovative, yet controversial solutions that could help solve the climate and environmental crisis we are facing...Climate engineering: artificially cooling the...
August 6, 2022
LET’S FACE THE PLASTIC TRUTH! The murky truth about plastic in the ocean: every minute, one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into our ocean It’s time to put […]Think twice before you purchase plastic
January 17, 2022
Morhing pasta might efficiently impact on packaging, saving space, money and waste The solution comes from researchers at the Morphing Matter Lab at Carnegie Mellon University. Will producer take on [...The pasta that changes shape and helps save t...
January 9, 2022
Researchers have developed a new ultra-white paint that reflects 98.1 percent of sunlight and can keep surfaces cooler A new coat of paint is an easy way to freshen up […]A new coat of paint may soon help keep your h...
November 19, 2021
Digital artist has reworked masterpieces to inspire a conversation about the engineering advances Sympathetic reimaginings show how innovative agriculture, aviation, transport and buildings could help...18th and 19th century artworks reworked to im...
September 10, 2021
AQUAPONICS: From the “CELL OF LIFE”, FISH AND VEGETABLES ALSO FOR THE DISABLED AREAS The aquaponics project “Celavie”, born from the collaboration between Italy and Tunisia, is...The capsule that uses aquaponics to produce f...
August 28, 2021
In the next decade, millions of new “green” jobs will be created A brand new report by UN highlights what skills will young people need to land these planet-friendly jobs […]What skills do youth need for green jobs of t...
July 27, 2021
Countries are switching to polymer notes to save the environment For countries concerned about the environmental impact of the currency, a switch to polymer notes makes sense As countries [&hel...The future of notes is plastic
July 13, 2021
Egypt’s farmers: a new irrigation system to tackLe water shortage In Egypt, farmers consume more than 85% of the Nile. The project is part of Egypt’s 20-year plan to tackle […]Egypt: farmers tap new technology to save wat...