Exhibitors 2016

Terminator Vision System

Terminator Vision System

Terminator Vision System(TVS) - autonomous computer vision system which you can use at various kinds of tasks from robotics control and up to performing heavy computing. Main TVS function is detection, identification and tracking humans. You can connect to TVS in whole world to see online detection.
For more information visit: https://www.hackster.io/suai-ihpcnt/terminator-vision-system-1f9374
Russian Federation

Terminator Vision System

Team SUAI/IHPCNT (Alexey Syschikov, Victor Volkov, Boris Sedov, and Sergey Pakharev)

Team SUAI/IHPCNT is working with the embedded systems.
One of the main direction – complex technology for design embedded portable software for various multicore heterogeneous platforms. It contains full stack of development instruments: from graphical programming environment and estimation tools to the code generator to the target platform.
One of the main part of this technology is the visual IDE for graphical development of a portable software with domain-specific visual languages (http://www.igi-global.com/article/domain-specific-programming-environment-for-heterogeneous-multicore-embedded-systems/141314).
As an example, we develop the Arduino DSL prototype and use it to program the functionality of transparent r/c control with road collision detection and avoidance for the car prototype.

In 2016 our team participated three times on Hackster Challenges (https://www.hackster.io/).

“World’s Largest Arduino Maker Challenge” sponsored by Arduino and Microsoft
“Live Hard, Ship Hard!” project
Won Best Project – Europe (https://www.hackster.io/suai/live-hard-ship-hard-2cf540)

“IoT For Everyone!” challenge sponsored by Blynk and Sparkfun
“Bicycle Crazymeter”
Won second place (https://www.hackster.io/suai-ihpcnt/bicycle-crazymeter-6765c0),

“Terminator Challenge” sponsored by Imagination Technologies
“Terminator Vision System” (https://www.hackster.io/suai-ihpcnt/terminator-vision-system-1f9374).

  A8 (pav. 5)
Data updated on 2024-04-09 - 4.17.20 pm