Exhibitors 2016

Result for TAG "Biology"

Classe 3CCH, Istituto Superiore Enrico Fermi, Mantova - Nome del gruppo: AE SPACE HERBS srl (impresa formativa simulata)
Our project is based on a new aeroponics system for cultivation of food plants, pharmaceutical or at high value-added plants.

Hermann-Tast-Schule Husum/Germany; Research & Technology class, year 9
A waterproof buoy which measures the concentration of algae in water. It will send text messages in case of dangerous concentrations.

Massimo Proia
Construction of a prototype (reel) for "reeling" of the silkworm and transformation of raw skein in yarn.

Simone Cardillo - Lorenzo Conti - Jacopo Spiridigliozzi - Bruno D'Amata - Alessandro Del Signore - Fulvio Socia
Biopile is a growth of cells controlled system for organic crops in the house. And 'modular, elegant and quiet, it has independent incubation of seeds and the growth of plants in a controlled micro-pristine and protected system.

Maria Teresa Giardi, Giovanni Basile, Laura Moro, Mehemt Turemis, Gianni Pezzotti, Edith Coronado, Vice Soljan
The project aims at the development and integration of the biosensor systems containing various algal strains and bacterial bioreporters to control the quality of water and the process of purification in waste water plans

Francesco Meles, Irina Vetere
"Insects for feed, your future need" nutritive supplements and cosmetica for the beauty and the wellness of people and animals.

Ort Holon- class 12
Glove that gives the ability for people who suffer from deaf-blindness, to communicate with society.

Hugo Mercier & Quentin Soulet de Brugière
Dreem is the first active device that not only gives you accurate analysis of your sleep, but also improves its quality in real-time.

Ecobox is a closed environment you can develop modifying environmental parameters and injecting spores with life elements, to build your own ecosystem.

Fablab Torino Community
Fablab Torino brings digital fabrication and the Open Source culture in a physical space where machines, ideas, and people can merge and contaminate each other, while learning from one another.

Funghi Espresso
Funghi Espresso is an innovative startup founded by Antonio Di Giovanni and Vincenzo Sangiovanni. This young company products fresh mushrooms and kits for produce mushrooms at home, reusing coffee grounds as a substrate. Thanks to this model it's possible to reuse a waste as a coffee ground, in to resource for produce healthy and nutritious food . The coffee grounds once used for mushroom production, returns to soil as a organic fertilizer.

Liceo Scientifico Statale "E. Boggio Lera" - Catania: Team di Robotica
Two teams of robots that compete with each other in a football game driven exclusively by an artificial intelligence.

Giulio Pompei
Do you speak science? is a project about science and science experiments. It's based on a Youtube channel with videos and tutorials and for his engaging activities has already been awarded at the Maker Faire of Rome 2014 and Trieste Mini Maker Faire 2016.

Tech Team srl & Dmake
Lamplants is a designer lamp inside which ornamental plants or herbs and vegetables are grown.

Piero Santoro, Carlo D'alesio e Massimo Di Filippo
MEG, Micro Experimental Growing, is a smart green house, internet connected and powered by tunable spectrum LEDs, that guarantee an high Photosynthetic efficiency at every stage of plant life.

Massimo e Mattia Cestra
Aquarium + Hydroponics, controlled by Arduino and app

The innovative functional tables, consisting of probiotic coltures, prebiotic maltodextrin and fruit juices, are healthy, tasty and suitable for lactose-intollerant.

La Cool Co.
La Cool Co. develops open source gardening platform aimed to improve the well-being of any kind of plant, and to be a toolkit for education on sciences and electronics.

Alessio Canalini, Christian Gabbani, Alberto Petronio
"OpenROV in Italy" is a project to promote activities related to edutainment, to diffusion of new technology and to exploration. Our goal is to found a startup able to support themselves.

Mattia Strocchi
Orion is a device capable to enhance the ability of human limbs through an exoskeleton, controlled easily by your gestures.

Alberto Valente, Angelo Camesasca
Urban garden in cloud.

GianPaolo Franceschini
Potty Plant Monitoring System. The easyest way to take care of your plants problems: 1. Can we automatically water plants when i go on vacation or do i have to bother my neighbors? Yes 2. Can we know if the soil actually needs to be watered? Yes 3. Can we manually water the soil from remote location? Yes

Dana Cannam
Qmod is a platform consisting of easy-to-use modules that allow young makers to generate their own clean energy by means of gamification.

Mauro Alfieri, Sara Savian
reHub project provides a rehabilitation tool to physiotherapist during the proprioceptive re-education work.

Antonio Pagliaro (CEO), Francesco Buzzo (COO), Serena Lambertoni (CEM), Giuseppe chipani (CDO)
rEVOILution it's the only solutions that allows you to consume Espresso EVOO, always fresh, not adulterated and customizable.

Roberto Spinella, FabLabME
Rotoplay is a game to be assembled, consisting of wood and recycled plastics, represents common insects can perform rotations and mechanical translations that mimic the natural movements of the insect itself.

Sanofi Genzyme
Sanofi Genzyme is one of the most important companies in the world in the field of red biotech, at the forefront in the development of innovative therapies for …

Guido Caramelli - Carlo Roncati
Use light to grow plants, heal the wounds, View hidden details, hidden fractures repaired, written covered

Alan Bates
Solar Flower Power is a solar powered irrigation system that automatically monitors soil moisture and waters plants only when necessary.

Pierluigi Santoro, Stefania Abbona
Production of microalgae for food consumption

Diana Branca / Massimo Mostosi
Creation of prostheses, through 3D printing, for turtles that have lost the hind limbs.

Vertical Farm Italia - Ing. Matteo Benvenuti
Modular, self-sufficent aquaponic vertical farm

Alessandro Candiani, Alessandro Tonelli, Michele Sozzi
We-Lab, the innovative platform that lets you build your own analysis laboratory and create scientific projects using smart technologies.
Data updated on 2024-09-19 - 11.31.55 pm
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