Exhibitors 2016

Category "Schools"

Classe 3CCH, Istituto Superiore Enrico Fermi, Mantova - Nome del gruppo: AE SPACE HERBS srl (impresa formativa simulata)
Our project is based on a new aeroponics system for cultivation of food plants, pharmaceutical or at high value-added plants.

Hermann-Tast-Schule Husum/Germany; Research & Technology class, year 9
A waterproof buoy which measures the concentration of algae in water. It will send text messages in case of dangerous concentrations.

ITIS "G.Armellini" Roma - classe 5C Elettronica - Andrea Borioni
Self-made quadricopter driven by a mobile device or a self-made wearable sensor glove.
  A11 (pav. 9)

Team Arrhenius
The solution to our cold problems, Arrhenius the heater band, try to believe.

Classe: 3BC CHIMICA - Scuola: ITTS "A.Volta" - Perugia
A prototype of a device for the production of small food ball obtained by the spherification technique.

5A e 5B della specializzazione Elettronica dell'Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico "Allievi-Sangallo" di Terni
Two Ardusumo robots, move in a circular ring, fighting among them.

Classe 5G corso di Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica - Automazione dell'Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Rita Levi-Montalcini" di Acqui Terme (AL)
-Open source Braille printer -System control is realized with Arduino Uno. -Mechanical components are realized with 3D printer.

Bogdan George Nedelciu - 5E indirizzo elettronico - IPSIA F.CORRIDONI - Corridonia MC
Electronic drums managed by Arduino and Processing to teach children to play the drums.

Mattia Fochesato, Federico Reggiani
The product is a safe controlled remotely by a smartphone or mobile phone. It can also indicate possible violations via SMS.

Classe IV A dell'ITCG "M.Rapisardi" di Caltanissetta
The creation of interactive environment made up of module sensors connected to a control unit in order to introduce the use of coding in automation and robotic in schools.

Ort Holon- class 12
Glove that gives the ability for people who suffer from deaf-blindness, to communicate with society.

Michele Lizzit, Daniele Toppano, Marco Ferrari
Copernico PhyLab 2.0 is a system capable of autonomously collecting experimental data and creating plots accessible via web browser.

Istituto Massimiliano Massimo, Crowd4Africa
Crowd4Africa: producing prosthetics using plastic caps. 69 students build and send 3D-printers to Africa through crowdfunding

Freixo School Cluster
Robotic art, build your STEM dreams.

FabLab ITI M. Faraday Lido di Ostia - Roma
Aumatic doghouse for the menagement of cats and dogs. Remote monitoring of food and water assumed by the animal, remote monitoring of the stock level and of the habitative modele temperature.

Killorglin Community College
A device that elevates a crib or cot while a baby with reflux is sleeping to guarantee a full nights sleep.

Electric Bike Enduro, an innovative bike designed and created looking at the environment and without sacrificing emotions.
  C4 (pav. 9)

8th Junior High School of Piraeus, 1rst, 2nd and 3rd class
It is an arcade game machine designed on the Arduino development system and equipped with software scratch 2.0.

2nd Epal Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Smart Internet Of Things platform for providing better services to patients, visitors, doctors and other hospital personnel.

4 alunni di tre diverse quarte dell'I.Tecnico Tecnologico "E. Fermi"
A walking stick that recognizes user falls and send a text message for help to his loved ones, connecting to the user's mobile

Centro Moda Canossa - Fashion Fablab
Clothes that combine new technologies with artisan know-how to create new job and education opportunity

ITT Giorgi - Brindisi - classe 5AA
Robot for the resolution, shuffling/ scrambling and test solutions for the classic Rubik's cube 3x3.

Liceo Scientifico Statale "E. Boggio Lera" - Catania: Team di Robotica
Two teams of robots that compete with each other in a football game driven exclusively by an artificial intelligence.

5AE e 5AM ITIS A. Volta di AL
Foosball with automatic goalkeeper. Application of high-performance linear drive, high-speed vision system and PLC controller for the general and HMI interface management.

IIS Vittorio Emanuele II - Napoli - classe smart costituita dai migliori elementi di varie classi autodenominatesi "I Makers".
Stratospheric Helium Balloon, some arduino/raspberry based payloads used to collect scientific data, some foto/video and other materials collected during stratosferic missions

V C ITIS "E. Fermi", Roma
Helmtech is a service for customable a helmet with a electronics gadget. For new riding sensations!
  C1 (pav. 9)

3F e 3G del Liceo Statale "M.Curie" di Giulianova (TE)
Students use innovative technologies to make the cultural heritage in their city accessible to blind people.

1st Junior High School of Papagou, 3rd Grade (C Gymnasiou)
An electronically controlled ROV based on Open-source software for real-time monitoring of the aquatic environment.

Studenti ITIS Pacinotti-Archimede
The Project I.C.A.RO is the result of a progressive evolution that robotics has made in our school since 1996.The project deals with robotics for educational level, competitive and fun for the students of the Pacinotti-Archimedes. For some time now, but especially in recent years robotics is the center of innovation

SENZA BENZA IIS Ferrari + Casa Corsini
Celerifero is a 3 wheel velobike Z.E.V (Zero Emission Vehicle) with electro-muscolar, human power propulsion for light urban mobility.

Gruppo Ippodriver , Istituto d'Istruzione Superiore M.Polo -R.Bonghi Assisi
Project allows blind people to be able to ride a horse autonomously, guided by acoustic signals produced by electronic station.

5A, 5B scuola IPSIA "G. Ferraris" di Catanzaro
Innovative electronic scale to measure the weight of the patient unable to get out of bed.

Robotics team of 1st High School of Komotini-Greece
Robot Writer is a robot that writes letters or words chosen by the user via a playful interface. https://youtu.be/xHLyjGLMIBM
  C40 (pav. 9)

Classe IV ind. Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica articolaz. Automazione; I.I.S "C. Rosatelli" di Rieti
A low cost and real time monitoring of the water pressure in Rieti waterworks. Data available via smartphone or web.

Biellesi Gae Aulenti
NonCasco+ is a smart helmet for motorbike with function tiredness, pollution detection, BAC-Blood Alcohol Concentration and "find me" function.

Kristjan Variksoo, Jako Aimsalu, Urmas Luhaäär
A jacket that will keep you constantly at a nice temperature.

I.I.S. Ferraris Brunelleschi - Empoli (FI), III B Informatica ; Pentol.ino Team
"Pentol.ino" Tradition into the future. The Hi-Tech pot that allows you not to give up a healthy diet. Click and cook!!

A project that suggests how stories, problem solving, creativity, flexibility and recycled materials can bring together children with and without disability.
  A5 (pav. 9)

Gruppo di 6 studenti MINT delle classi 5° e 4° delle specializzazioni Elettronica e Meccanica
R4G: an amusing drawing robot able to help primary school teachers to explain geometry and mathematics
  C43 (pav. 9)

Classe IV C Telecomunicazioni dell'I.I.S. "E.Mattei" di Recanati (MC) - Italy
An old robotic arm brought back to life thanks to Arduino; visitors will be able to interact with the arm via PC or gamepad.

Makerlab Ipsia Galilei
Rescue drones against terrorist attacks in public places including schools, hospitals ... Book Preview "Drones between Art, Cinema and Audiovisual"
  B15 (pav. 9)

Istituto Tecnico per il Settore tecnologico "G. Marconi" di Campobasso - corso Elettronica ed Elettrotecnica
This project emulates a drummer playing with an automaton. The robot is built with recycled materials and controlled by Arduino board.

Classe 4A automazione, ITI Fermi Modena, Mescoli Marco, Luciano Bassoli, Franco Melchionna, Federico Carnevali, Andrea Gavioli, Benito Mario Totaro.
Two wheels robot on triangular base, assembled with hot glue to allow for creative experimentation. The total cost is 50 euro.

Andreoni Giacomo, Borzi Emanuele, Nocci Leonardo- Classe 5^ A Elettronica e Robotica - IIS Sarrocchi Siena
Humanoid robot acting as a PHYSICAL AVATAR, controlled by the sensors worn by the operator. It can act in your stead in dangerous situations and environments.
  A9 (pav. 9)

Tehnical College "Gheorghe Cartianu” Piatra-Neamț, Romania, Airplane Club of Technical College ”Gheorghe Cartianu”, students of class 10G.
Our team created a robotic hand, which parts are printed with a 3D printer (which is also created by our team).

IIS Cavazzi Pavullo - Erasmus+ "MoM: matters of matter "project
The lamp uses a fluorescent acrylic sheet to concentrate environmental light on the PV cells recharging a battery powering LEDS.

Borupgaard Gymnasium
Innovative light system that automatically regulates itself to always make sure that the light intensity remains at the desired level. Make workspace better.
  A15 (pav. 9)

Bánki Donát Technical High School - Bánkirobot group
The Suit makes the work of the firemen safer, and easier.

Gruppo misto di alunne delle classi quarte e quinte dell'IPSAS Aldrovandi Rubbiani.
“Wearables technology”, a trend technological-style: the future fashion, where technology and wearables are merged, with style.

EPAL of Kissamos, Chania, Greece.
An educational emulation of the famous Enigma Machine using contemporary electronics components, faithful to the original machine!
Data updated on 2024-05-17 - 10.48.22 am