Exhibitors 2016

Gjnius - Do it yourself

Gjnius - Do it yourself

Gjnius is a powerful and simple tool that allows to think, design and build projects based on Arduino, ESP boards (or similar) with a simple graphic drag&drop of the devices and software services.

Gjnius is just perfect for beginners and pro makers: the beginners can use Arduino boards (or similar ones) without lose time on understanding/learn code or libraries. Everything is just graphics. With this tool everyone can design a complex project also with no code skills at all; Pro makers can take big advantage either: designing faster and integrating the own custom code with the tool.

Debug a Smart Home or IoT project will be incredible easy thanks to the Simulator built “in browser” that allows you to virtually build the project and test it without lose time. You can test even the Wi-Fi communication part, or the radio links.

When the project is ready in a simple click you get the Gjnius pack with the code to be uploaded to the board, the mounting instruction with all the connections, the bill of materials you need and a Web Application if the project is internet connected.
Indeed for the internet connected projects you do not need to configure anything on the ethernet/wifi shield, just your SSID and password: once you have designed your control system, you need to connect it to your mobile or tablet. Usually this is a complex operation because you need to know the IP address of the controller connected to your Internet Access, then you need to configure your Internet Router (i.e. open ports, disable firewall) and also activate a DNS service for dynamic IP address resolution, service that is not always for free and that's not all. Of course you need a public IP address, while most operators provide only a private IP address that is not reachable from outside, so in this case it is completely unuseful. With Gjnius you can forget all of that: connect the controller to Internet and it is immediately connected to your mobile or tablet through your username in Gjnius website, without taking care of anything.
You will get a dedicated WEB APP to control the project from the smartphone with a clear graphic.

Gjnius is secure because implements data protection mechanisms to avoid the intrusion of other people in your control system, by protecting through secure protocols all the communications among all the devices belongs to your control system. Any data exchanged between your browser and the system are encrypted, using a SSL Internet connection. Furthermore, all the internal communications are protected by a TOTP (Time-based One Time Password) algorithm. In this way, even if data are captured by a fraudulent listener, they cannot be used to interact with your home devices.

Gjnius works completely on-line, don't need to install any software on PC, tablet or mobile! Open the internet browser, login and that's it! Gjnius is ready to play.

One of the main duty of Gjnius is the automatic generation of the software needed to be loaded on the system controllers. Once this software has been downloaded, it can be used "as it is", or modified, improved, updated every time, following all the rules of Open Source software.

The main field of application of Gjnius is of course the amateur "Do it Yourself". However, transforming a graphic designed project into programming source code is an interesting subject for students, so Gjnius can be useful for educational purpose.
Last, but not least, professional domotic installations can take advantages in using Gjnius instead of highly expensive commercial systems.

The features are a lot and many more coming.

Gjnius - Do it yourself

Alessandro Mattioli, Francesco Mattioli, Michele Pergola, Alessandro Caratelli, Mariano Roccasalva Firenze

Alessandro Mattioli, engineer inside, started his career by putting his little hand inside the small slot of his portable record player. After that his growth in hi-tech skill has been unceasing, up to become an expert in embedded software and auto-generation algorithms. It was at that time, a couple of years ago, that the idea of Gjnius came out.

Francesco Mattioli got a degree in computer science and is working for 25 years in telecommunications industry.
His passion has led him to experiment automation in every field of application. He becomes part of the makers world in the late 90s, in the beginning to make cnc, then getting specialized in 3D printing.

Michele Pergola is an hardware engineer working for Ericsson, graduated at University of Pisa. He is a geek, high tech passionate, looking with interest in “the next big thing”. Now involved in creating a platform that let everybody became a pro maker with almost no skills!

Alessandro Caratelli is working as electronic engineer at CERN and attending PhD in microelectronics at EPFL, CH. He started his career unmounting every device at home when was child, and wants now to bring his passion in the house of everybody.

Mariano Roccasalva Firenze is graduated in electronic engineering at the University of Naples Federico II. He currently works for HCL technologies as Embedded sw Designer/Architect. His main software skills are on development process, continuous integration, security on embedded system and automatic code generation methodology . He likes "to play" with Arduino and Raspberry designing Smart Home Systems.

  A36 (pav. 7)
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.01.05 am