Exhibitors 2016

Le Corde dell'Anima
Le Corde dell'Anima

Le Corde dell'Anima

Le corde dell'Anima is an interactive sound installation that draws its inspiration from the belief that exist a vibrational reality behind all the manifestations of the Universe. The installation shows a very simplified model of the Universe where the cube symbolize the surrounding space and the strings are physical representations of the thinner psychic dimensions of human beings. The actions of visitors create sounds through an algorithmic composition system controlled by motion sensors placed on the strings.

Le Corde dell'Anima

Costantino Rizzuti

Costantino Rizzuti is a composer and maker with a strong interest for computer and electroacoustic music. He has a background in Engineering, a master in Sound Engineering and, in 2014, He graduate at Conservatory S. Giacomantonio in Cosenza in Music and new technologies. He is author of pieces of acousmatic music and live electronics played in national and international conference and festivals. PN has been played at EMUFest 2014 – International Electroacoustic Music Festival, Conservatorio Santa Cecilia Rome. He won, in June 2012, the IX edition of the national award for conservatory students “Premio delle Arti”, section Music and new technologies, category Live with the composition Advaita, for flute and live electronics. Noisy Silence. The sound of chaos, for electronic sounds, has been performed in June 2014 at San Cristoforo church in Lodi during the finissage of the exhibition Caotica.2014. Me contro Io, for three performers, has been played in December 2014 during Roccella Jazz Festival. Echi da Oriente, a musical action for singing bowl, voice, electronic sounds and live electronics, has been performed at Padiglione Tibet in Venice during the Art Night Venezia 2015. Moreover, He is author of sound and audio-visual installations presented in national and international conference, festivals and exhibition.

  D31 (pav. 7)
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 10.38.53 am