Exhibitors 2016

Disignum Srl

Disignum Srl

Some said that advertising is the soul of trade. In fact, any store manager knows that the customer comes back again when he recieved attention and personalized treatment based on knowledge of his tastes, habits and needs. This little treasure of information is the real soul of trade, and its exploitation, is the precious heritage of all activity.
For companies who are dealing with large numbers, the focus on the individual customer can only be effectively handled with a CRM system (Customer Relation Management) that allows, with a single solution, to manage, organize and improve, scientific and rational way, the relationship with its customer. The customer experience, as the set of sensations arising from the interaction of the customer with the brand or the company, may be at the heart of its action and enriched thanks to the multi-channel.
CRM 4Retail is a solution that leverages the multi-channels available to the customer to analyze and study the behaviors of their target, both during the trade process that over the customer experience. A plurality of online and offline channels work in symbiosis, complement and complete creating a constant connection.
The shopping experience becomes a unique process that combines all the actors in the field: the consumer, the physical store, online purchases, the marketing, the brand in a common vision and consistent, orchestrated by the CRM.
The tools of this strategy are multiple: sensors, smartphones, tablets, interactive displays, loyalty cards, newsletters, but also apps, social networks, community and new media.

It all allows you to:
• Increase the efficiency of trade and marketing strategies
• Increase sales and productivity
• Improve customer satisfaction and become a loyal customer
• Plan custom actions and initiatives
CRM 4Retail is a flexible tool that adapts to the specific needs of every business because every business is unique. Disignum therefore supports customers in the early stages to help him understand what solutions preferred on the basis of their needs. We pack a tailor-made tool that can simplify the complexity!
CRM 4 Retail integrates with all social platforms to take advantage of every opportunity and to enable direct interaction with their customers, without filters and intermediaries.
The knowledge of its customers, thanks to profiling that takes into account the information obtained from online activities and offline, can be used to improve the customer experience and accompany the customer in all phases of the purchase.

Disignum Srl

Marco Andolfi - Amministratore Delegato di Disignum

Graduated from the University of Turin (Italy) in Computer Science and Master at MIP, Business School of Politecnico di Milan. He worked for many years as Manager in the Automotive, Banking, Advertisement and Telecommunications industries, managing different kinds of projects for companies like: Deutsche Bank, Fiat Auto, Telecom Lab, Iveco and CBS Group. He also worked in London as IT Director, managing an IT department in a big multinational company and had gained there valuable experience. He participated in a EU-funded project (eJustice).
Hands-on experience in innovative business technologies (eCommerce, Web2.0, Multichannel Approach, Web Analytics and BI) with development of value propositions based on enabling platforms (E-Commerce, Advertising on line, Mobile and Web Marketing, Multichannel Approach, Content generated business, Social Networking).
He is the Founder of Disignum srl which works in the area of digital marketing, combining the expertise ranging from marketing, communication and innovative ICT knowledge. Disignum consolidates the experience of successful innovation, marketing, design, and communication advertising. Most of Disignum solutions are based on 3D software tool.
He is a founder of Innovation Retail Lab, in Italian Commerce Association.
He teaches Marketing post graduate students, in high level private schools and universities and private companies.

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Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 10.29.59 am