Exhibitors 2016



The Modelling:

The arm is scannable and you can easily modify the 3D Scan in the 360 Fusion autodesk.
The phalanges were modelled in a parametric design in order to adequate for each finger and also for in future to adequate this model for different patients.

The design:

The splint is designed to perform the following tasks:
To immobilize the forearm and place the hand and wrist in an adequate position.
The first part covers the back of the hand and the wrist stabilizing the position of the hand. The external surface at the same time, supports the electronics the micro controller board and servo motors, in order to attach and stabilize the hold function of movement in the fingers.
The second part is located at the end of the forearm, which provides a better support of the orthotic structure, and stabilizes the forces of the arm. Flexible materials are implemented in this part, in order to provide a comfortable form and movement of the muscles.

You can find more information in the following link: http://archive.fabacademy.org/archives/2016/fablabkamplintfort/students/124/18project_development.html


Adriana Cabrera

I am a scientific assistant at Fab Lab Kamp-Lintfort Germany in the faculty of Communication and Environment at the University of Applied Sciences Rhine Waal. Originally from Colombia, I work in different areas of design, art and interaction. Having a background in Industrial Design, I complemented my studies in MFA Media Art and Design at Bauhaus University Weimar, working with the analysis of materials and surfaces and combining traditional techniques with new technologies. In 2013, I began the studies MA Surface and Textile Design at the school of art Berlin Weißensee, focusing on material research, which gave me the possibility to introduce textiles as a medium of communication.

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Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 10.25.18 am