Exhibitors 2017



RoboKoding enables children to learn electronics, robotics and programming in a fun, interactive and collaborative way. Using different open-source electronics kits, during workshops and courses, children and teenagers are learning trough hands-on experience. For this year's Rome Maker Faire we will showcase our SumoRobot tool which allows two robots to compete on a SumoField, in a similar fashion to the sport of sumo. We will bring 5 robots which can be individually programmed even over a smartphone's browser. No prior knowledge is required.


Silver Kuusik, Ivana Atanasova

After completing his master’s degree in Computer Science, Silver Kuusik has pursued a career as a passionate maker and freelancer. While being a member of the Robotics Club of the Estonian IT College, together with Lauri Võsandi he developed the SumoRobot tool and the format of the workshop. He conducted a number of workshops for children, teaching them the basics of programming and robotics. Realizing the positive impact, as well as the need for a more creative approach for STEM education (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) to be introduced to children, he founded RoboKoding; a start-up with a mission of developing tools for teaching children programming, robotics and electronics in a fun, interactive and collaborative way.

Ivana Atanasova, has a significant experience as a youth worker and an ongoing building portfolio as a trainer and educator, with an educational background in law and professional experience in working with children. She is highly concerned with the topics such as sustainability, equal opportunities, human rights and citizenship culture and new innovative pedagogical approaches implemented in the formal, as well as non-formal education systems. In 2016, she founded F.I.L.T.E.R. VERITAS Skopje, a non-governmental organization working with youth in three main fields: ICTs; sustainability and active lifestyle; and human rights.

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Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 10.43.06 am