Exhibitors 2017

Result for TAG "Science"

Robotic Thunder
ALBATROS, the versatile SmartPlane. Take-off and landing of a quadricopter, flight time of an airplane.

Nagasai Sreyash Sola
Vibration and rotation based distance sensing blind cane/cap with sensors help blind to avoid obstacles and navigate surroundings.

Medaarch e K4B
BIOlogic is the first BIO fablab in southern Italy, born in October 2016 thanks to "Cradle", the incubation program promoted by Campania in Hub and realized by the Municipality of Cava de' Tirreni. Spin-off of Knowledge for Business, in collaboration with Medaarch, BIOlogic is a research center that utilizes biological manufacturing technologies both to develop new bio-matrix paradigms and to develop new manufacturing processes in the manufacturing field.

Michelangelo Pasinetti, Davide Stabelli, Daniele Gamba
Bionic Sync is an artificial, 3D printable and modular hand which merges additive and traditional manufacturing.

Daniela Curion, Università La Sapienza
Eating insects is a near reality, our promt is to find the better way to make it funny

Hugo Plácido da Silva
BITalino is a low-cost toolkit to learn and prototype using biosignals, designed for students, makers, artists, researchers... no electrical skills required!

Fabricademy, coordinated by Anastasia Pistofidou, Cecilia Raspanti and Fiore Basile
Fabricademy is a transdisciplinary course at the intersection of soft fabrication, textiles and biology.

Dipartimento di Fisica Sapienza Università di Roma & Fondazione Mondo Digitale
Are you a teacher? Want to turn you into a teacher-maker? Three days are enough, with our school of physics with Arduino and smartphones.

Humanitarian Prosthetists and Orthotists asbl HP&O
The G12 is a miniaturized hand with integrated motor. The hand are designed to be printed in 3D and Open-Source.

Nicola Vitiello, Cecilia Laschi, Arianna Menciassi
Wearable Robotics aim to develop mechatronic devices to improve the activity of the human user in scenarios of rehabilitation, assistance and human augmentation. Soft robotics is an interdisciplinary field in robotics that deals with robots built out of soft and deformable materials Development of smart prosthetic socket with custom design, development of magnetically controlled artificial sphincters

Gli Stratosferici - (IS Rampone - IIS Vittorio Emanuele II)
Special Glider able to take photos of the earth from stratosphere and automatically return to launch point.

Vincenzo Dentamaro, Paolo Rotolo, Anna Labellarte, Umberto Cataldo De Pace.
Intellihearts is an analytics and visualization platform for real-time prediction of cardiovascular diseases, composed by a wearable and cloud platform(deep-learning).

Davide Aloisi e Alessio Di Brigida
L.E.O. is a robot capable of improving and facilitating learning in schools and not only by having fun.

Composite Research SRL (Torino)
Boost Your Freedom Of Movement With The Madflex – Fully Customizable Ultralight Material With Revolutionary Mechanical Features.

Antonio Bicchi, Gaspare Santaera, Giacomo Dinuzzi, Manuel Barbarossa
robotic hand, simple, robust, effective, soft manipulation, soft synergies, natural motion, single motor, humanoid robotics, prosthetics, human-robot interaction

Lorenzo Daidone
I like to move it - framework for the development of interactive applications. Fields of application: robotics, gaming and healthcare.

NEMO, New Materials For Optoelectronics
3D printing: breaking technology in tissue engineering to simulate the natural environment of a cell and thus develop custom biological tissues.

Federico Gualdi, Roberto Lucchisani, Nicholas Silvestri
Optical Wheelchair was developed to increase the autonomy of disabled people. It can detect face expressions with a particular Intel camera which manage the wheels consequently

Mattia Strocchi
Orion is a wearable system capable to enhance human physics skills through an exoskeleton, controlled with ease by your gestures.

Nathalie Debaes , Tine De Pauw, Hugo Thienpont
PHABLABS4.0 is an European project that stimulate young people to innovate with photonics, the technology of light.

stars, planets, satellites become detailed hand painted lamps. to touch, learn and have fun with science! ..and for charity :)

Qmod is a fun way for children to learn, explore and create with electricity found in common everyday objects.

Sara Savian e Mauro Alfieri
Improve your hands with reHub: the glove that can easily collect data thanks to its sensors system and 3D software

Niklas Sallali
Rhex is an open source hexapod robot able to walk, make complex movements and track defined color objects.

Sanofi Genzyme - MAKE to CARE
Sanofi is dedicated to supporting people through their health challenges. We are a global biopharmaceutical company focused on human health. We prevent illness …

Alexandro Catini, Corrado Di Natale, Eugenio Martinelli, Rosamaria Capuano, Roberto Paolesse
eNose UTV - Electronic Nose University of Rome Tor Vergata

FabLab "Algeri Marino" appartenete alla scuola IIS "Algeri Marino" - Casoli (CH)
Smart bra that, thanks to a series of miniatured sensors, monitors the breast health. It can be useful for diagnosing the earliest indicators of breast cancer. The collected data is trasmitted to an App for the analysis.

Alessandro Savoia, Barbara Mauti, Giosuè Caliano. Laboratorio di Acustoelettronica (ACULAB), Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Development of ultrasonic transducers and probes in MEMS technology (CMUT) for advanced medical ultrasound imaging applications.

SweetPaper (classe 4CCH I.S. E. Fermi- Mantova)
Our project aim to achieve a biodegradable polymer. In this way we can reduce environmental impact and the use of plastic.

4Ai, I.T.I.S. S. Cannizzaro Rho(MI), NaoBots
The TeslaCoil device can trasport energy throuth the air, also used to make the enviroment better.

2nd Junior High School of Chania
Optical transmission without fiber optic cables. Uses a low power Laser through the air. Teaches electronics, lasers and programming.

Codemotion Kids!
We'll visit deep space diving us on a virtual journey to discover far new worlds. For the trip we'll wear special helmets to travel in three dimensions!

The Raspberry Pi Foundation
Discover how easy it is to learn about the environment both here on earth and in space with a Raspberry Pi! Have a go at some simple coding and see other cool projects you can make yourself!
Data updated on 2024-09-15 - 6.27.49 am
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