Exhibitors 2017

Category "Schools"

SM Pietro Coppo Isola
Gli alunni dell'istituto tecnico Pietro Coppo di Isola presentano i lavori svolti durante l'anno scolastico e i progetti realizzati per l'esame di maturità professionale.

The OriginalScales
A-Scales intelligent system avoids food waste by providing information on quantity and expiration, enabling a careful consumption and provision.

A.R.S. vTeam
Another Rubik Cube solver robot, totally automatic, totally open source!
  E10 (pav. 4)

Gruppo Hi-Lab1 @IIS Giua - Cagliari
Anti-suffocation device, consisting of an automatic tracheal tube perforation system and an driven respiration system

Fab Lab class with Mr Zoffoli, Marymount International School of Rome
An Advanced and professional-level Drone with an anti-collision and a surveillance system. It uses a FLIR VUE PRO 640 thermocamera, an Intel RealSense 3D camera R200, Python, OpenCV, DroneKit and MavLink.

Cappelli Francesca, Ciacci Shelly V^A Elettronica e Robotica IIS SARROCCHI SIENA:
Get a harp, replace the mechanical strings with laser beams and you will have a " LASER - HARP " and you will play it plucking with fingers the light beams suspended in the space.
  D5 (pav. 4)

4° Automazione/3° Elettronica - ITT Giorgi Brindisi
Educational elevator made by recycled parts, a must for any technical school automation lab. It can work autonomously or driven by any kind of controller

Automatic and programmable medicinal products dispenser designed to improve the quality of life of the elderly.
  D9 (pav. 4)

Gruppo BB8 delle classi quinte - indirizzo elettronica e robotica - ITI Galilei Livorno
BB8 is a Star Wars robot: a ball and a head. The ball can be moved through an app.
  D6 (pav. 4)

Use minidrones to capture the beauty enclosed in museum halls, in the interior of vintage villas as well as other architectural realities to describe with an unusual vision of "Beauty".
  D3 (pav. 4)

Corso di Elettronica-Automazione Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Rita Levi-Montalcini" Acqui Terme (AL)
Open source and low cost devices for blind people: Braille printer, Acoustic Dropper/counter for medicine , MP3 AudioBook player and other.

Simone Francalanza - VA Meccanica e Meccatronica - IT "Archimede" di Catania.
Blue Energy is a compact and economical system able to obtain a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen from water.

Pellicani Christian - Classe 5^A Elettronica e Robotica - IIS Sarrocchi - Siena
To be done
  D7 (pav. 4)

Istituto Tecnico Industriale Renato Elia di Castellammare di Stabia
The anthropomorphic robot is a programmable, robotic prototype to be used for further development and classroom exercises, designed to reproduce human arm movements in a nutshell.

Terza classe del corso IPSIA dell'IIS Gae Aulenti
An artificial intelligence robot that can determine the presence of injured people in places subject to natural disasters.
  D17 (pav. 4)

We want unmount and mount a bench for the test of drones together with the visitors. We want show the ability of our pupils and involve other people showing the project and the methods. We should like to share the measure's culture to increase the drone's safety and to improve the drone's technology.

Liceo Classico "Prati", Trento; Ist. Economico "Tambosi", Trento; ITT "Buonarroti-Pozzo", Trento; Liceo Artistico "Vittoria", Trento; Liceo Scientifico "Curie", Pergine; ITT "Marconi", Rovereto; Liceo Artistico "Depero", Rovereto
an innovative project for "work-based learning” that simulate a company committed to a development of an innovative domotic product

Alunni della classe V B Trasporti e logistica - costruzione del mezzo - aereo, dell’I.T.I.–L.S. “Francesco Giordani” di Caserta coordinati dai professori: Antonella Gagliardi, Francesco Colussi, Domenico Cuccaro e dal tecnico di laboratorio Alessa
Wing fixed drone, outwardly it looks like a large bird, it is made up of Styrofoam manufactured by the aircraft construction students of Francesco Giordani Technical Institute of Caserta.
  C3 (pav. 4)

Ex Robot team
A system consisting of a rover and a scanner capable of exploding explosive devices below any remote controlled motor vehicle to avoid any involuntary inconvenience.

5ECn, ITIS P.Paleocapa / principali autori Sermisoni Samuele e Crotti Luca
It is the realistic and working reproduction of Exomars rover. It moves, captures data, takes samples, and observes the world.

Escola Secundária de Barcelinhos, class 12ºB
We built a smart greenhouse to make bioagriculture easy!

Let’s tour anywhere cycling on Gooble Bike 2.0 VR ….surrounded by the virtual reality of the spherical images of the Street View

Gli Stratosferici - (IS Rampone - IIS Vittorio Emanuele II)
Special Glider able to take photos of the earth from stratosphere and automatically return to launch point.

Classe 5I a.s. 2013/14 - Indirizzo: “Elettronica e Telecomunicazioni” - I.I.S.S. "Agherbino" Putignano (Ba) sede di Noci
This project consists in a little CNC machine that is able to make incisions on different materials through laser ray.

Classe IVA Chimica - ITI Cannizzaro Catania
The students produced ecological natural fibers from plants such as agave, broom and nettle. The fibers can be used as a heat-insulating material in building.

classi 5 Elettronica, 5 Elettrotecnica, 5 Meccanica Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico
This is a distributor of energy drinks to be installed on places used for sports activities. The consumer's vacuum respects the sustainable use of resources and attention to the reduction and abandonment of plastic
  D19 (pav. 4)

5 Meccanica, ITT Cerulli Giulianova
The project aims to automate the process of preparing a cocktail through a dedicated app for Android smartphones. The device uses an Arduino UNO board to handle the process by checking a conveyor belt and n ° 6 electro pumps that take the various liquids to mix contents into as many containers.

Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "U.Pomilio" -Chieti. Classi IV PTS (Produzioni Tessili Sartoriali) e III TEN (Tecnico Elettrico ed Elettronico)
LED me love you!: Wedding dresses with stylish patterns and fabrics, combined with the use of the most modern microtechnology

4° - specializzazione Meccanica Meccatronica Energia - Istituto Tecnico Tecnologica "Leonardo da Vinci" Foligno (PG)

ITT "Guglielmo Marconi" di Staranzano (GO), gruppo "Progetto robotica"
Scout rover with 6 wheels, a camera, autonomous movement and remote control via smartphone. Inspired by the original NASA's rover.

C.A.R.L.-O. - Carlo Anti Robot Lab Operator
The project makes it possible to remotely manage a construction site by increasing control over excavator and truck vehicles. The system consists of: a Raspberry PI, a joystick, a simulated construction site built with LEGO® bricks.
  C17 (pav. 4)

GopStop Robotics!
"RoboCar" project: Scaled model of autonomous car which can drive thanks to the Convolutional Neural Network
  E20 (pav. 4)

Classe 5° automazione, I.T.I.S. Galileo Galilei
A couple of robosoccer players play one against each other in an independent way, also using complex tactics.

Istituto Tecnico per il settore Tecnologico "G. Marconi" classi 4° e 5° elettrotecnica-elettronica
Four androids form a musical band composed of: drum, keyboard, guitar and bass. An androide dancer dancing.

Tehnical College „Gheorghe Cartianu” Piatra-Neamț, Romania, class XII.
Our project,” Practical applications with Arduino microcontroller” consist in: 1) Robot parts (had and hends) 2) DJ Sequencer 3) Pen Plotter
  E14 (pav. 4)

Bánki Donát Polytechnical High School - Bánkirobot Team
Our device is able to help communication in the sign language for those people who haven’t got opportunity or enough time to study this language.
  C22 (pav. 4)

CLASSE ITS AF 2015 – 2017 Tecnico Superiore per l’Automazione ed i Sistemi Meccatronici della FONDAZIONE Istituto Tecnico Superiore Mobilità Sostenibile AEROSPAZIO/MECCATRONICA PIEMONTE
Fully automated recharge system for aircraft/APR (continuous cycle applications) aimed at solving issues related to short lasting battery power supply.
  C13 (pav. 4)

FabLab "Algeri Marino" appartenete alla scuola IIS "Algeri Marino" - Casoli (CH)
Smart bra that, thanks to a series of miniatured sensors, monitors the breast health. It can be useful for diagnosing the earliest indicators of breast cancer. The collected data is trasmitted to an App for the analysis.

Liceo Scientifico Bruno Touschek (Grottaferrata RM)
As students of a Scientific Highschool we present a completly autonomous prototipe with the aim of playing a football game.

The "E BREDA" technical institute of Sesto S. Giovanni adhered to a project promoted and funded by the Cariplo Foundation "START UP IN NETWORK" with the aim of promoting innovation and enhancement of MECCATRONIC TECHNICAL PROFESSIONAL POLO based on the didactic methodology of the simulated training firm (IFS) Specifically, a group of students of 5 ITT mechatronics had the task of founding a field startup in the 3D printing and reverse engineering service. (always with the simulation training didactic method) Thanks to the funding received, in fact, a 3D print lab specialized in the manufacture of prostheses and robotic arms

Classe 5H a.s. 2017/18 - Indirizzo: Manutenzione a assistenza tecnica - Articolazione: Elettronica - I.I.S.S. "Agherbino" Putignano (Ba) sede di Noci
This project is a “no-touch” musical instrument playing musical notes by the “musician’s” hand motion only.
  C23 (pav. 4)

SweetPaper (classe 4CCH I.S. E. Fermi- Mantova)
Our project aim to achieve a biodegradable polymer. In this way we can reduce environmental impact and the use of plastic.

IV E Informatica ITI Soveria Mannelli - IIS "L. Costanzo" Decollatura
T-Health is a intelligent t-shirt made of technical cloth that incorporates variuos sensors for physiological parameters monitoring and communicating with a dedicated App for displaying and analyzing data.

Make Innovation - Giuseppe Dell'Erba, Matteo Caruso, Giuseppe Caraci e Gioele Gorgone Liceo Scientifico "Capizzi" Bronte
TalkHeed makes the packaging of food supplements smart and allows to interact with customers through mobile devices.

The vibrating table consists of a plane is moved by oscillating impulses derived from seismograms of real earthquakes.

4Ai, I.T.I.S. S. Cannizzaro Rho(MI), NaoBots
The TeslaCoil device can trasport energy throuth the air, also used to make the enviroment better.

VB SIA Ites Fraccacreta
Test your drone here, to know the real performances of your drones: payload, weight, electric power, efficiency. Suggestions for improvement.

2nd Junior High School of Chania
Optical transmission without fiber optic cables. Uses a low power Laser through the air. Teaches electronics, lasers and programming.

Team prototipi I.I.S. A. Ferrari
From the material experience, a carbon-based safety shoe is born, combining with the innovative idea, fit, speed of use and aesthetics.

Soun maker
The Ultrasound sound system uses an ultrasonic technology instead of physical buttons to control the various functionalities of the reader.
Data updated on 2024-05-17 - 10.48.22 am