Exhibitors 2017



WACS (Wireless Access Control Systems) is a conditional access electronic system installed on a security door prototype. The opening is done by means of RFID "electronic cards" (badges), which, if authorized, allow an Arduino One card to open the safe using a stepped motor pivot lock. An alphanumeric display shows the operations and requests made. The system allows to enable or disable other badges, if necessary, for the use of safe by multiple users.


Federica Vadalà. Scuola: ITIS "Ascanio Sobrero" indirizzo Perito Elettronico e Telecomunicazioni. Classe 5°AE

I'm Federica Vadalà, I'm 18 years old and I attend the last year from Electronic Certification at ITIS "A. Sobrero" in Casale Monferrato (AL).

The electronic specialist is an expert in specific circuits and electronic systems (from small anti-theft to computer control), automation and control systems for production processes (production lines, operating machines, rotary and ovens), telecommunication components and techniques (radio, telecommunications systems, computer networks, INTERNET), web page construction, specific technical standards (CEI, EMC, CE), laws and regulations on electrical and electronic security and digital communication.

The electronic specialist:
-DESIGNS (manually and digitally) operating systems and circuits and software (firmware);
- virtually REALIZES the equipment;
- INSPECTS the hardware / software interaction;
- REPORTS the product or activity;
- ASSISTS the plants and systems;
- COORDINATES the production or maintenance groups;
- EXPRESSES opinions on compliance with technical standards;
- VERIFIES legal compliance with laws and regulations;
- SPEAKS to customers as technical / commercial expert

  E19 (pav. 4)
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 10.36.43 am