Exhibitors 2018



Cromanticamente, a trademark registered in 2010, in 2018 became an individual business that produces handmade creations, in particular "rag dolls", personalized or inspired by present and past personalities or by the world of fantasy.
Cromanticamente often collaborates with atrisans to realize special collections, combining traditional craft techniques, skills and different creativities.
Traditional sartorial techniques, ancient methods of working with ceramics and jewelry for a project that soon will join together: innovation of 3D production techniques, laser cutting, and techniques of printing on fabric to innovate the proposal without losing the artisan soul .



Written Cromanticamente, with N, you read Roberta, Giovanna and Mery. A brand registered in 2010 and became an individual business in 2018.
The story of 3 artisan sisters born from the passion for fabrics and wood, colors, needle and thread. Their creations are totally handmade, unique and unrepeatable pieces that have intrigued and fall in love many people, adults and children, because they are not just objects, but creations with a soul. Just look at them and pick them up to feel the heat. Cromanticamente, with the N, means dolls, photo frames, bookmarks, necklaces, children's books and much more. Each creation can be personalized and each doll can take the form of a special person for an absolutely personalized and unique gift.

  A9 (pav. 6)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am