Exhibitors 2018



SIXXI3DLab combines experimental research with pedagogical and didactic efforts: two research units are involved in the design and 3D printing production of structural models (Scale Masonry Structures) and of scientific construction games (SIXXIGames).
SIXXI3DLab presents an educational workshop: secrets of statics and structural geometry will be disclosed, combining games with scientific demonstration of models. Through the assembly of games and models, participants will be able to discover the real structural behaviour and the process of construction of the iconic works of "made in Italy" engineering, from vaulted and arched systems of the past, to the reinforced concrete domes designed by Pier Luigi Nervi, the large span arched bridge of the “Autosole” motorway, up to the “nameless” shells designed by Sergio Musmeci.
In the workshop, special attention will be dedicated to the “Morandi bridge” in Genoa


Ilaria Giannetti, Tullia Iori (SIXXIGames) Claudio Intrigila, Paolo Bisegna, Nicola Antonio Nodargi (SMS)

Tullia Iori & Ilaria Giannetti, engineering historians, principal investigator and senior researcher for the SIXXI Project (www.sixxi.eu). Coordinator of SIXXI3DLab research unit at Department of Civil Engineering and Computer Science, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.

  A1 (pav. 5)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am