Exhibitors 2018

Planetarium Umbrella and Wearables
Planetarium Umbrella and Wearables

Planetarium Umbrella and Wearables

This project converts an umbrella into a personal planetarium for exploring the sky.
Additionally we are accentuating jewellery pieces with custom electronics and LEDs.

Planetarium Umbrella and Wearables

Robert Fitzsimons, Lucy Johnson

Robert Fitzsimons is a hacker and maker from Dublin with a keen interest in electronics and related technologies. Showing a slight obsessive tendency, many of his projects use large numbers of LEDs and lots of soldering.
Lucy Johnson is a maker from Vermont and has background in fashion and design. She likes exploring the use of technology in her designs.

  H9 (pav. 5)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am