Exhibitors 2018

The Red Hot Pepper Machine

The Red Hot Pepper Machine

The “Red Hot Pepper Machine” model shows in a spectacular but accurate way the working mechanism of an important class of cell receptors, thus allowing the dissemination of relevant biomedical subjects to a wide audience. The model is also a prototype for a combined application of robotics, mechanics and informatics, aiming to both involve schools in collaborations on original subjects and give rise to practical applications in either educational or museal fields. It represents an effective tool to increase the impact of the underlying subjects and the spreading of the related information.

The Red Hot Pepper Machine

Pietro Amodeo (ICB-CNR), Francesco Castelluccio (ICB-CNR), Salvatore Donadio (ICB-CNR), Salvatore Mallardo (IPCB-CNR) – by: MoSeF – ICB-CNR, IPCB-CNR

Dr Pietro Amodeo is CNR Senior Researcher at the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, Pozzuoli (NA). His research fields are Computational Chemistry and Cheminformatics. In 2015 he founded MoSeF (“Molecole Senza Frontiere”, Molecules Without Borders, http://mosef.na.cnr.it), a network of institutions interested in promoting the knowledge of Chemistry and its relationships with other disciplines and everyday life. MoSeF designs and realizes exhibits and activities targeted for events such as science festivals or exhibitions. The activities are generally designed to maximize interactivity and involvement and to suit to the widest ranges of ages and skills of participants. MoSeF involves in its activities partners from very different areas, like schools, cultural associations and private companies. In particular, schools are deeply involved in the overall projects, since students are trained in our labs and/or at school (with the contribution of personnel from MoSeF network) and then employed to demonstrate experiments, activities and exhibits during the public events. Dr Amodeo has coordinated MoSeF participations to several local and international Science Festivals and exhibition, including four editions of the eldest European Science Festival, “Futuro Remoto” in Naples, one edition of “Festival della Scienza” in Genoa, the Opening Ceremony of the “Corporea” Museum at “Città della Scienza” in Naples.

  D2 (pav. 5)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am