Exhibitors 2018



Quietude (www.quietude.it) is a collection of interactive jewels that enhance the experience of deaf women. They detect sounds and translate them into vibrations, light and shape changes. The jewellery collection is completed by an App for a smartphone allowing personalisation of both input and output, and the construction of a personal library of sounds that can be monitored for, and replayed on demand through the accessories. The project has been developed in co-design sessions with deaf women to enable the development of accessories that respond to the emergent discoveries and desires.


Il progetto Quietude è stato coordinato dall'Università di Siena e sviluppato da un team multidisciplinare composto da: Santa Chiara Lab-Università di Siena, Glitch Factory s.r.l., e T4All s.r.l.. Inoltre, il team si è avvalso della collaborazione del

Authors of the project are: Patrizia Marti (Università di Siena), Matteo Sirizzotti (Università di Siena), Simone Guercio (Università di Siena), Pietro Rustici (Università di Siena), Michele Tittarelli (Glitch Factory s.r.l.), Iolanda Iacono (Glitch Factory s.r.l.), Gianluca Daino (T4All s.r.l.), Riccardo Zambon (T4All s.r.l.).
In the following, we report a short bio of the project coordinator
Patrizia Marti is Professor of Experience Design at the University of Siena and Visiting Professor at the Eindhoven University of Technology (NL). She is Director and Rector’s delegate of Santa Chiara Fab Lab (www.scfablab.unisi.it where she manages several participatory innovation projects with external partners. Patrizia has an interdisciplinary background in design and computing and a PhD in Interaction Design. Her research activity concerns designing systems facing cultural, aesthetic and social issues through embodied experiences. She has been an invited keynote speaker at various international conferences. She has been also the editor for special issues of international journals.

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