Exhibitors 2018



SmartEyes is an app for smartphones that lets you control your house with a "blink" of the eyes. The app is designed for people that suffer from physical disabilities like paraplegia or tetraplegia. Since these people are seldom completely paralyzed, and cannot move around the house independently, SmartEyes lets them control everything around the house, like the thermostat or tv, with simple gestures of the eyes.
The project is made of an interactive stand, with a smartphone and a physical prototype of a domotic house, with a lot of interactive objects inside, to give the user an idea of what the projects aims to.
This project is in the contest "Make to Care".


Lorenzo Riggi

Lorenzo Riggi is a 20 years old student from Syracuse, Sicily. Studying currently electronic engineering in the Polytechnic of Turin. Always passionate about technology, he has been participating in various contests, like TEDxYouth@Bologna2018 as a speaker, or as a school student to "Creare con l'elettronica" contest, organized by the Galileo Ferraris technical school in Naples, he won the "best project" award two times in a row in two different categories. His main goal in life is to improve every aspect of society through technological innovation.

  A8 (pav. 4)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am