Exhibitors 2018

Escher tassellazioni e intarsi - geometrie artistiche + Alternanza scuola lavoro
Escher tassellazioni e intarsi - geometrie artistiche + Alternanza scuola lavoro

Escher tassellazioni e intarsi - geometrie artistiche + Alternanza scuola lavoro

That reality which we call space is filled with equal forms, or divisible into primordial elements, not as we want, but only starting from certain forms. In short, space seems to be itself subject to a law that governs its structure. But the suggestion continues considering the transformations of tessellated spaces, ie those constructions that Escher called "metamorphosis", masterfully illustrated in the absolute escherian masterpieces "Metamorphoses" that suggest full worlds, without empty spaces, but in continuous transformation.

Escher tassellazioni e intarsi - geometrie artistiche + Alternanza scuola lavoro

Leonardo Notaro, Mario Baioli, Luigi Pardo, Olivia Erthler, + allievi del liceo artistico E.Rossi e Via Ripetta di Roma

dott. Leonardo Notaro, designer
dott. Mario Baioli, cheaf of laboratory at faculty of architecture of Sapienza University of Rome
prof. Luigi Pardo, teacher at high school E Rossi of Rome
prof. Olivia Erthler, teacher at high school Via Ripetta of Rome
students of high school "liceo artistico" E. Rossi and Via Ripetta of Rome

  C13 (pav. 4)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am