Exhibitors 2018

Tre, due, uno: Space Spritz! (Three, Two, One: Space Spritz!)
Tre, due, uno: Space Spritz! (Three, Two, One: Space Spritz!)

Tre, due, uno: Space Spritz! (Three, Two, One: Space Spritz!)

Come to Space Spritz with an empty plastic bottle of you preferred beverage.
Transform it into a rocket, and launch it to the space. If you do not have a bottle,
do not worry, we will drink one together.

Tre, due, uno: Space Spritz! (Three, Two, One: Space Spritz!)

Daniele Tavagnacco, Stefano Sartor, Erik Romelli, Michele Maris and the Science Industries crew

Daniele Tavagnacco, Erik Romelli and Stefano Sartor are researchers at the
INAF/Trieste Astronomical Observatory together with Michele Maris, they are
members and founders of the Science Industries Association which collaborates
with the INAF/Trieste Astronomical Observatory to develop outreach activities.

  D14 (pav. 5)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am