Exhibitors 2019

RoboSumo@Vallauri: stand, push, win!
RoboSumo@Vallauri: stand, push, win!

RoboSumo@Vallauri: stand, push, win!

‘Robosumos’ are wrestling robots, programmed to do what a sumo wrestler does, force his opponent out of the ring.
All those robots had the same basic equipment (engine, sensors, Arduino board). Different teams had to design and assemble their individual wrestler and any further feature had to be realised in the “Vallauri” FabLab, using exclusively recycled materials.
At the end of the last school year those teams took part in a competition and the eliminated robots will be dismantled and the components will be used to assemble new robots for the future games.

RoboSumo@Vallauri: stand, push, win!

Studenti di Elettrotecnica dell’Istituto Vallauri di Fossano (CN)

Il progetto è stato realizzato da un gruppo auto formatosi tra di allievi delle classi dell’indirizzo Elettrotecnica dell’istituto, che andavano dai 16enni delle classi seconde, ai 19-20enni delle classi quinte, accumunati dalla voglia di sperimentare, di “provare a fare”.

  A19 (pav. 5)
Data updated on 2024-04-09 - 4.17.20 pm