Exhibitors 2019

New Technologies & The Classical World

New Technologies & The Classical World

The project aims at illustrating how technology applied to traditional scholarship, is crucial to a better understanding of the Ancient World, chiefly Greek and Roman. More specifically the Department of Classics is leader or member in international research projects (“Multilingualism and Minority Languages in Ancient Europe”; MuMiL-EU Hera JRP Project “Uses of the Past”– Horizon 2020) investigating multiculturalism, multilingualism (also meant as multiple languages through which the ancient society “speaks” to us: the linguistic-literary, the epigraphic, the artistic-archaeological), languages in contact in Ancient Italy (6th cent. BCE-3rd cent. CE) and their cultural heritage. To this end the Department of Classics realized laser scanning and 3d photogrammetric scanning of monuments supporting inscriptions in Greek, Latin and languages spoken in Ancient Italy, such as red-figured vases, stone monuments and rock caves ( “Grotta della Poesia”), technological acquisitions that make possible the study of such monuments of the past, which would be hard or even impossible, given e.g. the difficulty to access some areas (e.g. a grotto); to rotate and move frail or heavy objects. Examples of such acquisitions that will be presented to the audience during the Maker Faire include: a 3d printing of a squeeze of the inscription on the “Grotta della Poesia”; a rendering and video of the whole grotto; interactive simulators of rotation, zoom, change in light angle of Greek, Latin and Italic inscriptions; practical demonstration of how to realize a squeeze.

New Technologies & The Classical World

Sara Kaczko

Sara Kaczko, Temporary Researcher, L-Fil-Let / 05 (and member of the MuMiL-EU project) Department of Ancient Sciences, La Sapienza

  A2 (pav. 7)
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 12.34.21 pm