Exhibitors 2016

Tecnologia indossabile
Tecnologia indossabile

Tecnologia indossabile

Bright fabrics, sensitive to touch fabrics, led fabrics, thermo-comfort fabrics, skincare fabrics, design fabrics. Nowadays the research in fashion looks into unknown territories. Technical-fashion for few people versus technological-fashion for everybody. This is the message of IPSAS Aldrovandi Rubbiani that proposes technological-style outfit.
A future fashion where technology and wearables are merged.

Tecnologia indossabile

Gruppo misto di alunne delle classi quarte e quinte dell'IPSAS Aldrovandi Rubbiani.

The team consists of students who attend final classes of IPSAS Aldrovandi Rubbiani’s Fashion Course . The work is the result of the Alternanza Scuola/Lavoro program, that year after year adds new important partners such as companies and organizations. For “Wearables technology” collaboration with FabLab Bologna is essential.

  B9 (pav. 9)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am