Exhibitors 2017



The smart bra is made up of two sets of sensitive sensors that can be worn and that detect changes in temperature within the breast tissue. The collected data is safely trasmitted to an App for the analysis. Abnormalities in temperature variations are present in the early stages of abnormal growth and cell proliferation and serve as first indicators of breast cancer.
Technology can significantly improve premature survey of breast cancer, drastically reduce unnecessary biopsies by increasing access to screening, improving clinical results and reducing costs.


FabLab "Algeri Marino" appartenete alla scuola IIS "Algeri Marino" - Casoli (CH)

Students attend the “FabLab Algeri Marino”, a lab odìf ideas for learning, sharing, collaborating, producing and prototyping any object, or almost, in unexpected times and spaces.
The types of work carried out in this “inventor’s shop” deal with, first of all, education, training, the use of equipment( supported or indipendently), the design and the group work.
All the issues of the Internet of things, digital manufacturing, rapid prototyping, robotics, drones and wearable devices are dealt with.
Seminaries, conferences and events with local realities and universities are also held.

  D15 (pav. 4)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am