Exhibitors 2017



Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. The clinical assessment of the features of PD is typically performed by means of neurological examinations and simple motor tests; however, these evaluations take into account the severity of motor symptoms only during the length of the recording, whereas the severity of tremor may vary very strongly during the day. In order to overcome these drawbacks, the “PD-Watch” has been developed! It performs continuous monitoring of motor symptoms, in order to support diagnosis and clinical evaluation of PD.


Biomedical Lab (Luigi Battista, Noemi Giorgio e Fabio Giuseppe Battista)

Biomedical Lab is an initiative concerned with the design and development of medical devices for people’s health. Two main projects are being developed: the PD-Watch, which is a “watch” for patients with Parkinson's disease, and MyVenus, a telemedicine system for home mechanical ventilation. We are based in Italy, Basilicata, in the province of Potenza.
Luigi Battista (biomedical engineer, inventor of the PD-Watch) - 31 years old - graduated from the Campus Bio-Medico University with a degree in Biomedical Engineering (with honours and a distinction) in 2009 and received a PhD in Engineering from Roma Tre University in 2013. He was previously a research associate at the Italian National Institute of Optics, part of the National Research Council. He has also working experience as a clinical engineer for the “Stazione Unica Appaltante della Regione Basilicata”, the Matera Local Health Authority, the “Miulli” Hospital in Acquaviva delle Fonti (province of Bari), and the Hospital of Potenza “San Carlo”. He is currently a contract Professor in “Electrical Measurements” and “Bioengineering” at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Faculty of Medicine. He has also worked as a contract Professor in “Electronics” at the University of Basilicata. He is passionate about the use of technology in medicine. www.luigibattista.it , https://it.linkedin.com/pub/luigi-battista/81/a0a/5b2

  D28 (pav. 6)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am