Exhibitors 2017

Maker Kit E1 -educational electronic kit for kids
Maker Kit E1 -educational electronic kit for kids

Maker Kit E1 -educational electronic kit for kids

Maker Kit E1it is an educational electronic kit for those who are interested in learning about simple electronics creation. Starting from basic LED control to more advanced environmental sensing and monitoring. Creation of this kit will be your first steps in the world of electronics. We are going to teach kids and adults how to create simple electronic circuit with help of our educational electronic kit Maker Kit E1.

Maker Kit E1 -educational electronic kit for kids

Maksim Masalski

Since childhood, I have had an interest in technics and technology. I’m a dreamer and I like to invent new. In 2017 I take a Bachelors degree in Belarusian National Technical University.
Today I'm founder of a startup company MRobot. My company creates educational robots for children and students. Also I’m the leader and founder of IoT and robotics laboratory “Kitchen of Robots” in Minsk.

To make my robots widespread, I have created robotic model car games CodeWheels, where everyone can program robot and compete with other participants! The main advantage is that no need to buy or develop robot. Each team before championship receives similar robot RoboRover M1 CodeWheels Edition and all necessary software! Only quality of code matters! More about my CodeWheels project read on Intel web page https://devmesh.intel.com/projects/codewheels-model-car-robotics-racing-powered-by-intel-curie

My company has and online shop mrobot.by. Here we sell our educational robots and software for programming this robots.

I pay a lot of attention to self-learning and self-development. A lot of my knowledge is result of self-education. Now my main goal is to obtain new knowledge and to develop my skills which can help me in successful creative and professional self-realization and to develop strong analytical and problem-solving skills.

  A19 (pav. 4)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am