Exhibitors 2017

La tavola pitagorica di Gaia

La tavola pitagorica di Gaia

This prototype of multiplication table is designed as a compensatory tool to support learning mechanisms. It comes from the need to sustain visual functionality and prasic skills of children with specific difficulties in fine ocular movements in the early years of education.
The table is composed of a printed table of Pythagoras placed between two overlapping plexiglass rectangles. Amongst these slides a plexiglass mask, which isolates the result of the operation and focuses attention on it.

La tavola pitagorica di Gaia

Gaia Marchetti

Gaia Marchetti is a Biomedical Engineering student from the Polytechnic University of Turin. In 2016 Gaia first comes into contact with the format Hackability; in the same year she takes part in the foundation of Hackabilty, a non-profit organization which produces solutions in a co-design approach. The ambition behind Hackability's action is to provide social inclusion through a new manufacturing process for people with disabilities.

  D19 (pav. 6)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am