Exhibitors 2017

La Macchina dei Cocktails

La Macchina dei Cocktails

The device was made at our institute during the last year's lab activities. We have studied an electromechanical system that uses the principles of mechatronics to automate the mixing process of the ingredients that are used to create a cocktail. To manage the system we used the Arduino UNO electronic prototyping board coupled with three motor driver cards (L298D) : one commands the stepper motor and the engine to which the mixing rod is connected and the other two, pilot the six electric pumps each which will put in the glass the right amount of liquid to make the selected cocktail recipe on the smartphone that will send the information to the Arduino card via a bluetooth HC-05 interface.

La Macchina dei Cocktails

5 Meccanica, ITT Cerulli Giulianova

The class consists of 15 students

  D22 (pav. 4)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am