L’innovazione non è solo una questione tecnologica ma un cambiamento sociale e culturale. Maker Faire Rome rende l’innovazione accessibile e fruibile a tutti. Per questo Joule, la scuola di Eni per l’impresa crede fortemente nell’evento e partecipa ogni anno anche al suo hackathon, proponendo sfide diverse finalizzate a stimolare soluzioni insolite e innovative. Quello che auspichiamo con la nostra presenza è di alimentare un virtuoso scambio di idee, producendo un positivo effetto di “osmosi” in termini di sviluppo tecnologico e di mindset imprenditoriale.
Tag: 3D
July 16, 2023
OBSESSION FOR QUALITY. THIS IS OSEQ. IN THE 3D PRINTING WORLD, they are NOT TRENDSETTERs, they are STANDARD SETTERS. FIRST LAYER MATTERS. OSEQ makes the best 3D printing surface on […]OSEQ brings the next generation 3D printing s...
February 23, 2023
3D Systems has announced plans for a Regenerative Tissue Program: a new revolutionary and innovative step in medicine Bioprinted human tissue: a new revolutionary ...
September 6, 2022
Join Maker Faire Rome 2022 and don't miss the 3D Experience powered by our partner Solidworks, to share and create anywhere.REFLECTING IMAGINATION: 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWOR...
August 30, 2022
3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS for Makers Design. Create. Share. Make. Make things your way with:Intuitive cloud-connected CAD modeling tools that the professionals use Powerful parametric modeling wi...3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS for Makers
June 18, 2020
zoos and aquariums around the world grapple with new bans on wildlife trade The robotic dolphin is so life-like that the volunteers who swam with it were shocked to learn […]Robotic dolphin solve ethical dilemma
November 19, 2019
IN THIS CIRCUS, A Cruelty-Free Magical Experience IS REAL Entertaining the crowds since 1976, Circus Roncalli has done something unimaginable – they have swapped out horses, lions and elephants for ...GERMAN CIRCUS USES HOLOGRAMS INSTEAD OF LIVE ...
November 18, 2019
A remotely controlled drone, to allow patients with ALS to look at distant places of the world with their own eyes, such as the Grand Canyon or the Seine. It is a project of the Sardinian startup 3D A...3D Aerospace, the project that allows patient...
October 5, 2019
This incredible perceptive and interactive experience will make paintings and sculptures from every era come alive in 3D Would you like to be able to enter the landscape of […]Evolving Virtual Room: the technology that le...