Exhibitors 2019



Plastics disposal is one of the major problems of the world’s ecosystem. We students from the “Enrico Fermi” Institute in Mantua developed a project that could tackle this emergency. Our idea is to take advantage of Galleria mellonella, an insect that can digest polyethylene. The main product of the process is silk, which can be used for many purposes. In addition to this, we studied how to reuse the waste products of the process along with an innovative breeding system, of which we have already developed a prototype using 3D printing techniques.



Our team is composed by Andrea Frer (team leader), Gabriele Ravini and Sara Speranzini, students from the ITIS “E. Fermi” in Mantova. In our school, we study chemistry and biology, so we can apply our knowledge to ReciclaGame. We developed this project in order to tackle the huge problem of polyethylene plastic recycling and disposure; more importantly, we focused on a process that is indeed a step forward to the conventional recycling techniques, that “simply” convert plastics into plastics. Our process is made so we can bio-convert plastics into a new, sustainable and eco-friendly material, that is silk, which can be used for many different industrial purposes.

  D8 (pav. 5)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am