Exhibitors 2019



The project consists of a glove that allows real-time monitoring of the physical conditions of the pilot, showing us some vital parameters such as the rhythm of the heartbeat and the percentage of oxygen in the blood. The values ​​detected by the sensors are displayed on a display placed on the glove at the wrist


FabLab Algeri Marino

The FabLab of the Higher Educational Institution “ Algeri Marino” from Casoli (Ch), is by now an established reality, that has been able to move up the new territorial workshops.
Algeri Marino’s FabLab seeks to the achievement of disciplinary skills by educational path based on inclusion and creativity and that allows teachers to explore all the current didactic methodologies: the Coding, the Flipped Classroom and the Clil method, ect.
The Algeri Marino’s FabLab presents itself as an innovative workshop, equipped with softwares, boards, electronic accessories and CNC machines that are capable of operating with several materials; in this carefully tended space, students, teachers, researchers and makers have found the necessary stimuli to learn and experiment, in an empirical way, challenging concepts of a scientific and social nature; growth, innovation, exchange of techniques and knowledge are assured not only for the school community in which it operates but is addressed to the entire surrounding area.
The Fablab Algeri Marino is, therefore, an excellent educational environment that knows how to stimulate learning through didactic innovation in which creativity, play and education blend with new manufacturing technologies!

  D2 (pav. 5)
Data updated on 2024-05-17 - 10.48.22 am