Exhibitors 2019

3D Scanning for Natural Science

3D Scanning for Natural Science

For years, Climax has been working in the field of education, education and the development of workshops suitable for students of all levels.
We have always given great importance to the teaching methodology and we usually opt for the most innovative solutions that seek to stimulate curiosity in the student and that are at the same time capable of showing the charm of Science.
Information technology in this sector is always the key point to be exploited and the launch platform for new projects created specifically for the various needs.

For more than 7 years, Climax has entered the 3D modeling and printing sector. Thanks to suitable software and professional 3D printers, we have come to the realization of unique models of their kind and above all aimed at teaching and dissemination. Examples are the skulls of animals that are difficult to find in the area, fossils, cell enlargements, biological bacteria or microstructures, marine organisms faithfully reproduced, etc.
Although this project is constantly evolving and never ceases to fascinate and be used in the most varied ways, we have decided this year to enter the 3D scanning sector.

This is where we are bringing a completely new service not only to schools but also to universities and museums. Thanks to our 3D scanning project for museums, we are working on the acquisition and re-elaboration of the material in museums, universities and private collections on our peninsula for the following purposes:

- to preserve the integrity of the material both exposed to the public and present in the warehouses;
- virtually keep a faithful copy of the subject so as to allow a copy to be reproduced to the smallest detail;
- realization of 3D multimedia projects (see augmented reality) for educational or exhibition projects within the same structures;
- possibility to use the same models for the creation of gadgets or dedicated signage, thus also creating a renewed and modern marketing sector;

These are just some of the most important goals of what our 3D Scanning project is. By investing in professional and state-of-the-art hardware, we try to bring to the end customer a highly respected service, especially suitable for the cultural development that is taking place in Europe.
Ultimately, our presence at MakerFaire wants to bring the world of Natural Sciences to a completely different stage than the one we have been offered to date.

This year's important new feature (2019) is the possibility of adding to our 3D scans, not only the classic FDM (Fused depositsioning modeling) printing of which we are already experienced users, but also our new 3D printer suitable for resin printing. which will allow us to reproduce entomological or microscopic preparations which require maximum fidelity of details with reduced dimensions.

During the event, scans of naturalistic samples of various subjects belonging to the world of zoology, botany and paleontology will be carried out in real time.

3D Scanning for Natural Science

David Massaroni e Liberati Simone

David Massaroni
Naturalista, con grande propensione per le nuove tecnologie si occupa di sviluppare percorsi digitali per le scuole e progetti di conservazione, attraverso la scannerizzazione e stampa 3D, dei campioni naturalistici presso le strutture museali.

Liberati Simone
Naturalista ed informatico, affascinato dal mondo degli invertebrati, sviluppa percorsi di alternanza scuola lavoro su tematiche sia naturalistiche sia legate al mondo del 3D. Sviluppa, altresì, percorsi formativi per i docenti.

  B20 (pav. 7)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am