Exhibitors 2019

Gelato o Lessato? Venite a scoprirlo con SimABI (Boiled or Frozen? Come and discover with SimABI)
Gelato o Lessato? Venite a scoprirlo con SimABI (Boiled or Frozen? Come and discover with SimABI)

Gelato o Lessato? Venite a scoprirlo con SimABI (Boiled or Frozen? Come and discover with SimABI)

Among the thousands of planets discovered in the last twenty years, is there anyone who could host life? Let's play with a LED lamp, an Arduino, a light sensor and the simple physics of everyday life, to understand how astronomers try to answer this simple but fundamental question.

Gelato o Lessato? Venite a scoprirlo con SimABI (Boiled or Frozen? Come and discover with SimABI)

Michele Maris (INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste)

Researcher at INAF-Trieste Astronomical Observatory, Michele Maris studied Astrophysics and Particle Physics. Since 1998 He is Staff at INAF-Trieste Astronomical Observatory, participating to the Planck Mission since its beginning. He contributed to the Euclid mission, and currently he is part of the STRIP / LSPE telescope team, and joined the ARIEL mission. His research interests includes CMB, solar system, exoplanets and outreach with Makers methodologies. He joined the European Institute of Astrobiology (EAI). Main hobbies: making, writing, photography, trekking and caving.

  C11 (pav. 7)
Data updated on 2024-05-17 - 10.48.22 am