Exhibitors 2019

macchina CNC di grandi dimensioni in scatola di montaggio
macchina CNC di grandi dimensioni in scatola di montaggio

macchina CNC di grandi dimensioni in scatola di montaggio

This is a large 3D CNC machine kit. It is easy to ship, mount and operate, higly productive and affordable. Making use of common softwares and technologies the machine is user friendly. This is a great start for a small factory, a startup or any activity in need of a digital manufacturing machine that won't break the pocket.

macchina CNC di grandi dimensioni in scatola di montaggio

Giorgio Marcatili

Aeronautical engineer involved since 1990 with cnc machines. teacher of digital production in an Italian private University.

  F9 (pav. 8)
Data updated on 2024-05-13 - 11.24.21 am